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Happy Birthday CC license suite!

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It’s hard to believe that it was 13 years ago today that we shipped the very first version of the CC license suite. Before then, without the CC licenses, the barriers to collaborating in a global commons were too high. The benefits of shared educational content or scientific research, or paving the way for creators…

A warm welcome to our incoming Board members

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Creative Commons is delighted to announce two new appointments to our Board of Directors, Johnathan Nightingale and Katherine C. Spelman. Johnathan Nightingale is the Chief Product Officer at Hubba, and was formerly the head of Firefox for Mozilla. In his role at Mozilla he was responsible for the engineering, product management, marketing, and design of…

State of the Commons: 1 Billion Creative Commons Works

About CC post

I’m proud to share with you Creative Commons’ 2015 State of the Commons report, our best effort to measure the immeasurable scope of the commons by looking at the CC licensed content, along with content marked as public domain, that comprise the slice of the commons powered by CC tools. Creative Commoners have known all…

New fellows for 2016 Institute for Open Leadership

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cape point (panorama) by André van Rooyen, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 In September we announced that Creative Commons and the Open Policy Network are hosting a second Institute for Open Leadership. We’ve seen a significant increase in the number and diversity of policies that require that publicly funded resources should be widely shared under liberal open licenses…

OER: A Catalyst for Innovation

Open Education post

  The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published its latest Open Educational Resources (OER) report yesterday: Open Educational Resources: A Catalyst for Innovation, Educational Research and Innovation. (PDF) The report covers the following topics: OER in educational policy and practice OER as a catalyst for innovation Fostering new forms of learning for the…

Children’s Investment Fund Foundation adopts open licensing policy

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The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) is a UK-based charity that “seeks to transform the lives of poor and vulnerable children in developing countries.” Yesterday the foundation announced its first Transparency Policy, which requires its grantees and consultants to widely disseminate resources they create under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY). We…

Stop the TPP!


After five years of secret negotiations between governments and corporate lobbyists, the public has finally seen the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the details are bad. The provisions covering intellectual property directly threaten the public interest and the commons. We believe the TPP should be rejected, and we need everyone opposed to this…