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COMMUNIA hosts public domain celebration in the European Parliament

Copyright post

This is a guest post by Lisette Kalshoven. On Monday, January 25th COMMUNIA organized a Public Domain Day celebration at the European Parliament. COMMUNIA advocates for policies that expand the public domain and increase access to and reuse of culture and knowledge, and consists of many organisations including Creative Commons, Kennisland and Centrum Cyfrowe. The…

New CC directors to focus on platforms and content creation

About CC post

Creative Commons is pleased to announce the appointment of two new senior-level positions to help implement our new strategy. Last week, CC announced a renewed vision to create a vibrant, usable commons, powered by gratitude and collaboration. These two positions will be fundamental to bringing this strategy to life. I’m pleased to appoint Jane Park…

Copyright Week 2016: The public domain is not lost

Uncategorized post

We’re taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day this week, various groups are taking on different elements of the law, and addressing what’s at stake, and what we need to do to make sure that copyright promotes creativity and innovation. Every…

Let’s light up the global commons

About CC post
Janet/Heart by Tony Austin is licensed under Creative Commons awarded $10M grant from Hewlett Foundation to support renewed strategy About CC post

On behalf of the Creative Commons staff, Board, Affiliate Network, and global community, we are thrilled to announce that the Board of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has unanimously approved an unrestricted multi-year grant in the amount of $10 million to Creative Commons. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has been a proud founding…

2016–2020: Strategy and Ideas


In 2016, Creative Commons presented its 2016–2020 Organizational Strategy, reflecting over a year of intensive collaboration by CC’s global community. The insights and approaches contained within it have been influenced by hundreds of valuable discussions with our stakeholders, ranging from creators and open community leaders, to foundations and government officials. This will be a transformative…

Towards a vibrant, usable commons

About CC post

Over the next few days, I’m going to share a series of posts about Creative Commons’ 2016-2020 strategy. Let me skip to the end: CC is going to refocus our work to build a vibrant, usable commons, powered by collaboration and gratitude. Over the course of these next few posts, I’ll explain what that means,…

Open Licensing Resources for Foundations


What is an open licensing policy? Why should foundations adopt an open licensing policy? Why should foundations use Creative Commons licenses? Which foundations have adopted an open licensing policy? How do foundations explain open licensing to their staffs and grantees? What are best practices for CC license marking and attribution? Where can foundations find more information…

We Need To Talk About Sharing

About CC post

Over the next few days, I’m going to share a series of posts about Creative Commons’ 2016-2020 strategy. Let me skip to the end: CC is going to refocus our work to build a vibrant, usable commons, powered by collaboration and gratitude. Over the course of these next few posts, I’ll explain what that means,…