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Al Jazeera CC Workshop Recap, Panel Debate at Perugia International Journalism Festival

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Today, the Al Jazeera Documentary International Film Festival hosted Remix, the first ever Creative Commons workshop in the Arab world entirely dedicated to filmmakers. Basel Safadi kicked off the workshop, explaining in both English and Arabic the basics behind Creative Commons licenses. Safadi also presented case studies of select films and documentaries already released under…

Wikipedia on new Facebook community pages

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Earlier this week, Facebook announced its launch of community pages, pages based on topics of interest to the community that are not maintained by a single author. Single author pages include band or company pages that intend to promote that band or company. Instead, community pages are based on the concept of “shared knowledge” that…

FMA Guest Curator: Spark

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The latest addition to our guest curation series at the Free Music Archive comes from Spark, “a weekly audio blog of smart and unexpected trendwatching” from CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Centre). Dan Misener, one of Spark’s producers, helmed the mix, providing context as to why Spark uses CC-licensed music on its podcast – you can listen…

ccSalon SF (5/3/10): The power of open education

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If you’re in the SF Bay Area, we hope to see you at our next Creative Commons Salon on the power of open education, featuring: Brian Bridges, Director of the California Learning Resource Network (CLRN) Murugan Pal, co-Founder and President of CK-12 Foundation Carolina Rossini, Berkman Fellow, Advocate for OER in Brazil, and Peer2Peer University…

Video from CC Salon NYC: Opening Education

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For those of you who missed CC Salon NYC: Opening Education, we uploaded live recordings of the event to the CC channel a while back. The video recording is split up into three parts in-line with the three sessions to make it easier for you to pick and choose what to watch: Flat World…

Teaching Open Source Software

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If you’re like me, then you don’t know much about software; if you’re not like me, then you know about software but not much about open source software (OSS). Regardless of which camp you fall into, there’s good news—you can learn about open source software (and help others learn about it) through open educational resources…

Music Communities


Below is a list of exemplary music communities that utilize our tools, typically by enabling users to upload content under one of our free licenses. If there is a community we are missing, please add it to our wiki as this page is periodically updated. For more information, see our related page on Creative Commons…

Launching Public Discussion of CC Patent Tools

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Thinh Nguyen writes over at the Science Commons blog … “We’re happy to announce that we’re launching the public comment and discussion period for our new patent tools: the Research Non-Assertion Pledge and the Public Patent License. We invite you to join the discussion at our public wiki. There you can read about these tools,…

OpenCourseWare economics in the New York Times

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In As Colleges Make Courses Available Free Online, Others Cash In the New York Times writes about how universities are funding OpenCourseWare programs as well as how businesses have sprung up around CC licensed Open Educational Resources (OER) from such programs. Regarding the latter, our CEO is quoted: On a philosophical level, the idea of…

WikiPremed makes money by giving away MCAT course

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Artists have been using Creative Commons licenses in interesting ways for a while, whether it’s to encourage interesting adaptations of their work or to help boost album sales. But it’s not only the visual artists and musicians diversifying the use of CC licenses—open education initiatives like Flat World Knowledge are experimenting with innovative business models…