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CC Remix Music — Lisa Rein

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Lisa Rein is one of the earliest adopters of Creative Commons. Wander is one of my favorite CC licensed songs and is licensed under an Attribution license — free to copy, remix, or even synch to a movie, as long as you give Lisa attribution. offers CC for music

Uncategorized post hosts free music of various genres and makes it all available under the EFF Open Audio License, or a Creative Commons license. This was taken directly from their FAQ: 2. When is free music legal? Free music is legal when the artists want it to be. Until recently it was near impossible to know…

CC Remix Music — Jammin on the Net, and Holland Hopson

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Last featured on CC Remix Music was Funktifyno, a great fusion jam band based in Oregon. Chris Morris, based in Texas, read our blog and turned their song Funkberry Jam into Funkberrymo Jam by adding a keyboard track– how’s that for jamming on the Net? Today we are featuring Holland Hopson’s song Cuckoo, a peaceful…

MusicBrainz for OS X (finally!)

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MusicBrainz, the Creative Commons licensed music metadata database, has long been limited to windows users. OS X users are in luck though, as iEatBrainz has been released. By using a sophisticated set of audio fingerprinting and other technology, iEatBrainz and MusicBrainz allow you to re-tag all your MP3s. This is a killer feature for anyone…

CC Remix Music

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Check out some tunes from Funktifyno. I really like the live recording of That One — a great jazz jam. Funktifyno is based out of Portland, Oregon. Go remix!

Music Sharing, SXSW

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From the South by Southwest Music Festival, Creative Commons brings you the new Music Sharing License and Get Content search engine. This copyright license lets your fans know they can download, copy, and share your music online, but not sell, remix, or make any other commercial use out of it. (The license is based on…

CC Remix Music

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I found PIA’s Symbols through the Creative Commons search engine — a great album of electronic music. You can find lots of music through the search engine, which has currently indexed only 50,000 URLs out of the 1,400,000 URLs we know to contain CC licensed content (there are another 400,000 URLs in the queue). Symbols…

Yaaar!: The Music Pirates' Manifesto

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Once upon a time, Apple’s slogan “Rip. Mix. Burn.” meant “make as many copies as you want of your legally purchased music.” Now it means “make the limited number of copies we deem appropriate.” All that’s being ripped, mixed, and burned are fair-use laws Annalee Newitz writes about the current state of P2P and DRM…

Fading Ways Music, indie label, announces 2004 releases will be CC!

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Fading Ways Music, an indie record label based out of Toronto, announced their 2004 releases will be sold under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike licenses. Fading Ways Music is the first internationally-distributed label to adopt Creative Commons licensing for its new physical CD releases. Fading Ways articulates its philosophy for open-licenses nicely on its mission page. Neil…