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Final campaign total: $533,898.68!

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THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our annual fundraising campaign, who bought swag from our online store, and who helped spread the word to friends and colleagues asking for their support of CC over the past three months. Thanks to you, we were able to meet and exceed our goal, raising a total of…

Thank You to Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales

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Wikipedia also wrapped up a wildly successful fundraiser at the end of the year. See below for Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales’ thank you letter to the community, reproduced in full under CC BY-SA, the license Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites migrated to last June. Note “support our friends” at the end — it is a…

First Annual World's Fair Use Day

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The First Annual World’s Fair Use Day (WFUD) will be held on Tuesday January 12, 2010 in Washington, D.C. (with events kicking off Monday night). WFUD is being organized by Public Knowledge, and will bring together a wide variety of individuals and groups interested in fair use, including artists, scholars, policymakers, entrepreneurs, media professionals, and consumer…

Public Domain Day 2010 and Beyond

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Creative Commons has been celebrating Public Domain Day – January 1st – for several years, alongside many others who are similarly passionate about the value of the public domain and the need to prevent its demise. Each year on this day, copyright protection expires for millions of creative works, allowing those works to be used, repurposed…

$500,000 raised for CC by YOU and thank YOU!

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We launched our fifth year-end campaign on October 5 in a very difficult economic environment. Today, the final day of the year, the decade, and last scheduled day of the campaign, we surpassed our goal of raising $500,000. Three major contributions in the last 24 hours carried us over the top from our board member…

One Last Commoner Letter – from Lawrence Lessig, CC's Founder

Copyright post

Though our 2009 Commoner Letter series has officially come to an end, we are pleased to announce one final letter, this time from our Founder and Board Member Lawrence Lessig. Professor Lessig needs little introduction, so I’ll leave it to him tell you in his own words why supporting the mission of Creative Commons is…

Commoner Letter #6: Stephen Friend of Sage Bionetworks

Copyright post

Stephen Friend is the President, CEO, and co-founder of Sage Bionetworks. He was previously a Senior Vice President at Merck & Co., Inc. where he led Merck’s Basic Cancer Research efforts. Stephen is a committed advocate of Science Commons, the wing of Creative Commons dedicated to making the Web work for science. Stephen’s innovative work…

We Met Twitter's $3k Matching Challenge! Happy Birthday CC!

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Thanks to everyone who donated to help us meet Twitter’s $3,000 matching giving challenge in record time! This is particularly great news, since today marks CC’s 7th birthday, so thanks to Twitter and thanks to everyone who donated – we’ve now raised a total of $6,000 toward our annual fundraising campaign! We’re honored to have…

Dlaczego CC BY? (Why CC BY? in Polish)

Open Education post

We are excited to highlight the first Polish translation of our CC Learn Productions. CC Poland has translated and adapted a CC Learn Recommendations doc—Why CC BY? into Polish: Dlaczego CC BY? The reason CC Poland could lead the way in translation and adaptation (and can do the same with all of our productions)? Because…