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LRMI Specification version 0.5 released

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The Learning Resources Metadata Initiative (LRMI) Technical Working Group just released the latest draft of their specification. This version is another step on the road to the final public release and submission to, the multiple search engine group that is maintaining a standard metadata specification for online content. LRMI intends to extend’s documentation…

WikiSym 2011 is open for registration and student volunteers!

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Earlier this year, we announced that Creative Commons is an official sponsor of the 7th annual WikiSym, the International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration. WikiSym is taking place right near Creative Commons headquarters in Mountain View, CA on October 3-5 at Microsoft Research Campus in Silicon Valley. WikiSym is the premier conference on open…

CC News: Open Government Policy Developments

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Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. While we gear up for the CC Global Summit that is just a week away, governments around the world continue to open up their data and adopt policies for maximum transparency and citizen engagement. Open government developments in…

Data Governance, our idea for the Moore Foundation

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The Moore Foundation has called for community feedback on where to invest in the area of data-intensive science. We’ve submitted our own idea — data governance — and would love your feedback and support for the idea. We have been exploring data governance issues, including data licensing, since 2004 in our science work, and we’re…

Albanian translation of CC license suite ready for review

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Volunteers from the Albanian community have translated the Creative Commons license suite into Albanian, and would like your help to review the translated text! To leave feedback on the translations, you will need a CC wiki account; once you are logged in, you can comment on the Discussion pages. Anyone can help translate CC licenses…

CC News: YouTube Launches Creative Commons Support

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Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. What better gift for your dad on Father's Day but a remix of his favorite videos? YouTube launches support for CC BY and a CC library featuring 10,000 videos You heard the great news last week—YouTube added the…

Improving the CC Legal User Interface

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Last month at the New and Emerging Legal Infrastructures Conference I had the pleasure of participating in a panel on Interface Design for Legal Systems. See my presentation on slideshare or as a pdf. This led to some reflection upon and discussion of Creative Commons’ “Legal User Interfaces” (LUIs). Each of the “layers” (the legalcode…

Firefox 4

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Firefox 4 is officially released today by our friends at Mozilla, and it is awesome. Install or upgrade now. In large part due to Mozilla’s leadership over the years, the Open Web is in good health. Open standards and open formats are becoming the norm. This means anyone, anywhere can develop innovative applications that will…

CC News: $2 billion fund available for open education

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Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. CC heads into February with exciting new developments in policy, science, and journalism. A new U.S. education fund makes available $2 billion to create open educational resources in community colleges The U.S. Department of Labor and the Department…