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Total Recut Video Remix Challenge

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Total Recut, an online social network for fans and creators of video remixes we blogged about earlier here, is holding a Video Remix Challenge over the next month in which aspiring filmmakers/remixers are asked to create a 3 minute short to respond to the theme, ‘What is Remix Culture?’. CC Founder Lawrence Lessig is one…

South Africa

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Creative Commons is working with UCT Intellectual Property Law Research Unit to create South Africa jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi South Africa List Legal Project Lead: Tobias Schonwetter Public Project Lead: Dave Duarte Team member:  Andrew Rens License draft. English explanation of substantive legal changes. See the project website. Subscribe to… on Open Access, Open Education, and Creative Commons

Open Education, Open Science post

In April, ccLearn crossed telephone lines with Italy and Ukraine for the first time. Executive Director Ahrash Bissell spoke with, Electronic Information for Libraries, an international nonprofit organization whose interests, among many, lie in open access publishing and fair and balanced intellectual property laws for libraries. Below is a follow-up interview over email with…

Each of us in our humble way…

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Ambient sound artist Gurdonark writes beautifully at the (unofficial) ccMixterblog on Virtuosos, Rock Stars and Remix Culture: We all tend to make remixes more than we tend to discuss high-flown concepts–but my simple premise is that we should never forget that we are part of a conversation about permissive licensing and its virtue in advancing…

National Cancer Institute to use Tranche Network to share data

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From the Science Commons blog … “The National Cancer Institute will soon be using Tranche to store and share mouse proteomic data from its Mouse Proteomic Technologies Initiative (MPTI). Tranche, a free and open source file sharing tool for scientific data, was one of the earliest testers of CC0. Many thanks to Tranche for providing…

CC and ccLearn at OCWC 2008 in Dalian, China

Open Education post

I just wrote a big post up on my appearance at the big Open Educational Resources conference OpenCourseWare Conference 2008 in Dalian. It is cut apart below: Jose speaking about Knowledge Hub at the Open Ed conference in Dalian, China, Photo by Tom Caswell I just arrived back home in Guangzhou, China from the OpenCourseWare…

CC Guatemala enters public discussion

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Today CC Guatemala’s localized license draft enters the public discussion. The CC Guatemala team, lead by Renata Avila and hosted at the Universidad Francisco Marroquin’s New Media Center, has been working through the license porting process to produce a draft of CC BY-NC-SA adapted to Guatemalan law. As part of the public discussion, we invite…

Computers, Freedom, and Privacy: Technology Policy '08

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Early Bird Registration is tomorrow, May 2, for the 18th annual Computers, Freedom, and Privacy (CFP) conference. This year, the conference is on Technology Policy—focusing on the technology policy priorities of the next administration. From CFP’s site: “Technology Policy ’08 is an opportunity to participate in shaping those issues being made into laws and regulations…

Welcome 2008 Summer of Coders

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The call for submissions for Google Summer of Code 2008 has closed and I’m happy to announce that four students will be working on projects for Creative Commons this summer. In no particular order, they are: CC Logger (statistical log analysis), by Ankit Guglani, mentored by Asheesh Laroia RDFa Support for Semantic MediaWiki, by David…

Magnatune does good via the Amarok media player

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Last July we mentioned that Magnatune, a record label known for pioneering open business models, had hired a developer to work on Amarok, a free software media player. Today Magnatune founder John Buckman announced $11,570 in sales via Amarok, of which 10% is donated to support Amarok. This number could get much bigger as Amarok…