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UK: England and Wales

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Creative Commons is working with Information Systems and Innovation Group (ISIG) – Department of Management to create UK: England & Wales jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi UK: England & Wales List Overall Project Lead: Professor Ian Angell Legal Project Leads: Mr. Andrew Murray and Dr. Prodromos Tsiavos Public Project Lead: Dr.…


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Creative Commons is working with Multimedia Institute [mi2] to create Croatia jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Croatia List Project Lead: Diana Kovaèeviæ Remenariæ and Tomislav Medak License draft 3.0 (PDF, English). License draft 1.0 (PDF, Croatian). English explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF). Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read…

Sound Copyright

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Creative Commons licenses help creators (and users) opt for reasonable copyright by offering (and using) creative works under “some rights reserved” terms, expanding the commons where the default is “all rights reserved”. We also offer tools to mark works that are in the public domain — and are working on a major upgrade of those…

Science Commons news: Response to STM statement on author addenda

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Science Commons Counsel Thinh Nguyen has posted a response to a recently released statement by STM (the trade association for scientific, technology and medical publishers) on author addenda. This is an issue near and dear to our hearts, due to our Scholar’s Copyright work. Here’s an excerpt: “[…] [STM] recently released a statement this March…

Diesel Sweeties Archive Released Under CC License

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rstevens (the r is for Richard), creator of popular webcomic Diesel Sweeties, announced on his blog that starting today he will be releasing the entire Diesel Sweeties archive for free under a CC BY-NC license. The archive contains close to 2,000 web comics, offering massive potential for to interesting reuses (via Boing Boing): By my…

Monopoly Shuffle: A Remix Contest

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On May 28-30, The Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland University College will be hosting a symposium focused on U.S. copyright monopoly, technological innovation and higher education institutions titled “Monopoly: Playing the Innovation Game”. The symposium will take place at the UMUC Inn and Conference Center in metro Washington D.C. Tied into…

OpenMoko CC Licenses CAD Files for Neo1973

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OpenMoko, makers of the first true open source phone (previously blogged here), have recently expanded the meaning of ‘open source design’ by licensing the CAD (computer-aided design) files for their flagship model, the Neo1973, under a CC BY-SA license. In doing so, OpenMoko not only allow industrial designers a peek inside the Neo1973 to see…

CC Licensed Test for African Sleeping Sickness

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This came through our RSS readers this week via Boing Boing and is really quite amazing, showing the power CC licenses can have in advancing positive results outside of culture and technology (the findings are released online, along with detailed instructions, under a CC BY license): Australian scientists have developed a blood test for African…