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Squarespace website service CC-enabled

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Squarespace, an easy to use website and blog creation and hosting service, recently made it easy for users to license their content via our remote licesning application. Here’s what Squarespace says within their site management application about Creative Commons: We’ve integrated a utility that lets you generate Creative Commons licenses for your site. A Creative…

dadaIMC codebase used by Independent Media Centers supports CC

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dadaIMC, a content management system that offer a codebase for the operation of Independent Media Center sites, now supports Creative Commons licenses for users uploading content to the system. There are currently twenty eight Independent Media Center sites that run on dadaIMC. Independent Media Centers, like the one in Baltimore, are based on a philosophy…

Winksite adds CC to mobile blogging

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Winksite is a popular mobile blogging application that lets you both post to a blog from your phone or PDA and read other blogs, in addition to a slew of other community tools. They’ve recently added Creative Commons support for blogs hosted on the service, so you can make it clear to readers how your…

Free Culture released

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Creative Commons chairman Lawrence Lessig has just released his new book, Free Culture today, both online as a licensed downloadable PDF and in stores. The book covers the current state of copyright law and what it means to our culture and society. Give it a look, and if you like what you see, ordering online…


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As far as I’m concerned, the very best among the many great things about being part of Creative Commons is getting to meet CC users and supporters face-to-face. Knowing that one and a half million web pages (and growing) carry Creative Commons licenses is always an inspiring thought, but getting together with musicians and writers…

Bricks in the Wall

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Bricks in the Wall Theater and drama fans are familiar with the Fourth Wall, the conceptual boundary between performer and audience. It’s an artistic term, but we’ve now extended the concept in a Creative Commons way. At the South by Southwest Film Festival this week, I moderated a panel, “Can Copyright Bring Filmmaker and Audience…

Music Sharing, SXSW

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From the South by Southwest Music Festival, Creative Commons brings you the new Music Sharing License and Get Content search engine. This copyright license lets your fans know they can download, copy, and share your music online, but not sell, remix, or make any other commercial use out of it. (The license is based on…

Machinista Festival

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Machinista, an arts festival focusing on machine-related art, will use Creative Commons licenses for the DVD containing the winning entries. The winners will be chosen out of the 280 submissions, which are themed as “the world as seen by the machines.” Since the content will be CC-licensed, we’re also hoping to have it hosted at…

Local Heroes

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If you’re at South by Southwest in Austin, come by our panels at 10am (music and copyright) and 11:30am (film and copyright) Monday morning. Special guests include two Austinites: tech-media renaissance man Wiley Wiggins and GET CREATIVE! contest winner Justin Cone, whose 2-minute short “Building on the Past” perfectly exemplifies the CC mission. (How many…

CC Remix Music

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I found PIA’s Symbols through the Creative Commons search engine — a great album of electronic music. You can find lots of music through the search engine, which has currently indexed only 50,000 URLs out of the 1,400,000 URLs we know to contain CC licensed content (there are another 400,000 URLs in the queue). Symbols…