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RIP.MIX.BURN.BAM.PFA, an art exhibit that celebrates “the cultural and artistic practice of remix”, opens this Friday at the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAM/PFA). From BAM/PFA: RIP.MIX.BURN.BAM.PFA […] invit[es] guest artists to “rip, mix, and burn” elements from two digital-media works in the museum’s collection—Ken Goldberg’s Ouija 2000 and Valéry Grancher’s 24h00 (both…

BloodSpell: first full length machinima feature released

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Bloodspell, the machinima film project we mentioned last November, has been released as an 84 minute feature. This is a first feature length machinima production, and it’s released under a CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license: We`re fairly sure BloodSpell is the largest Machinima film ever created. It`s an independent film that, because it is using Machinima technology,…


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BeatPick is a record label started in London that bills itself as a “FairPlay” music label. From the BeatPick website, users can enjoy a range of different styles of music from all over the world, from pop to electronic to hip-hop to rock; all licensed to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. The…

Science Commons News: Nguyen on our Materials Transfer work

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From the Science Commons blog … Looking for a better understanding of our Biological Materials Transfer Agreement project? Look no further. The latest edition of Innovations features an in-depth analysis of our Materials Transfer work, one of our three main areas of focus at Science Commons. The analysis was written by Science Commons counsel Thinh…

Wake Up and Save the Music!

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The netlabel music scene is booming. These ultra-wired record labels focus on the online distribution of digital audio files, which in most cases, are released under Creative Commons licenses. This means that, in the netaudio world, artists often retain their copyright, producers can offer free downloads for promotion, and fans can hear the music when…

Freedom of Expression®, the World Premier

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Freedom of Expression®, the movie (we’ve written about the book previously) has its world premier tonight in San Francisco at the CounterCorp Film Festival. CC’s Jennifer Yip will be on hand for an after-film discussion. Thanks to CounterCorp for keeping copyright issues in the fore. I participated in last year’s discussion following a showing of…

Freedom of Expression®, the World Premier

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Freedom of Expression®, the movie (we’ve written about the book previously) has its world premier tonight in San Francisco at the CounterCorp Film Festival. CC’s Jennifer Yip will be on hand for an after-film discussion. Thanks to CounterCorp for keeping copyright issues in the fore. I participated in last year’s discussion following a showing of…

Happy birthday Public Library of Science

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October 13 was the 4th anniversary of the first issue of PLoS Biology, the first journal from the groudbreaking Public Library of Science. We’re incredibly honored that PLoS was a very early adopter of Creative Commons — we’ll only turn five in two months. See then CC Executive Director Glenn Otis Brown’s editorial in PLoS…

Luxembourg launch presentations

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Luxcommons has videos, pictures, and presentations of Monday’s CC Luxembourg launch, as well as news of the first CC Luxembourg ported license user. Congratulations to the 40th jurisdiction to launch ported CC licenses! Sylvain Zimmer (Jamendo CTO) at CC Luxembourg launch, photo by Paul Keller licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial. Also congratulations to Jamendo, the CC music…

CC at the Frankfurt Book Fair

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One of the largest book fairs in the world, the Frankfurt Book Fair, was held this year on October 10-14th in Frankfurt am Main. The city’s fair is the annual host of 300,000 visitors to over 7,000 exhibitions celebrating literature and cultures from around the world. The event also functions as a global meet-up for…