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Book recommendation: "Ourspace" by Christine Harold

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Professor Christine Harold of the University of Georgia has a great new book out entitled Ourspace: Resisting the Corporate Control of Culture that focuses on participatory culture and the movement to subvert mainstream media supremacy. Harold examines the deployment and limitations of “culture jamming” by activists. These techniques defy repressive corporate culture through parodies, hoaxes,…

Worldwide Wanna Work Together? (in your language)

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Dominick Chen, from CC Japan, uploaded the latest Creative Commons video, Wanna Work Together? in order to develop translations for his others in Japan. Check out the video and also contribute translations for the languages you know. Also, as a challenge, blog about and let the community know if you have found other CC media…

Retiring standalone DevNations and one Sampling license

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Today we are retiring two of the Creative Commons licenses — the stand alone Developing Nations license, as well as one of the three Sampling licenses we offer. The reasons for these retirements are both practical and principled. The practical reason is simple lack of interest: From the start, Creative Commons has promised to keep…

O'Reilly on free downloads vs sales

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Book publisher Tim O’Reilly writes: As part of our continued effort to understand the impact on book sales of the availability of free downloads, I wanted to share some data on downloads versus sales of the book Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, by Leif Madsen, Jared Smith, and Jim Van Meggelen, which was released for… Post-Conference Plug

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Photo by mecredis (FRED!) licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. For all that did and did not attend the fabulous National Conference this year, there is a great blog post that gives a birds eye view of the event last weekend. John Wilbanks from Science Commons presented as well as many others from various projects…

CC Salon London and Post-CC Salon Seoul

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After a brilliant CC Salon in Seoul at the beginning of May, Judge Jongsoo (Jay) Yoon, sent me a URL with the most media I’ve seen captured from one salon. I wish I could have been there to eat some good bibimbap or other dish and talk CC Korea (1 of the 36 CC Project…

Remixes of Copy Me Remix Me CD


Copy Me/Remix Me is the second CD assembled and released by Creative Commons. The following is a list of all the submitted remixes of BM Relocation Program’s Superego Exchange song (original song here), which we held a mini-contest for. We picked out our favorites for the album, but you’re welcome to download all the entires…

Copy Me Remix Me


Copy Me/Remix Me is the second CD assembled and released by Creative Commons, and is given away at events that feature members of the Creative Commons team. The songs are available for direct download and feature embedded metadata, following our guidelines for placing license information into files. Also featured on this CD are multiple remixes…

Creative Commons CD


Distribute your music online — on your own terms. Allow some public uses of your music — on certain conditions. Choose your own DIY copyright license — at no charge at all. Digitally tag your tunes for easy search — with just a few clicks. Creative Commons is a non-profit dedicated to helping artists of…