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The WIRED CD: Rip. Sample. Mash. Share.


The WIRED CD: Rip. Sample. Mash. Share. These musicians are saying that true creativity needs to be open, fluid, and alive. When it comes to copyright, they are pro-choice. Here are 16 songs that encourage people to play with their tunes, not just play them. — WIRED magazine, November 2004 issue (CD was included with…

Compatible Licenses


This is the list of licenses that have been approved by Creative Commons as compatible with the two Creative Commons ShareAlike licenses, CC BY-SA and CC BY-NC-SA. You must use one of the licenses listed on this page for your contribution when you make adaptations of material under BY-SA or BY-NC-SA and share the adaptation,…

Podcasting Tools


Podcasting Legal Guide Inspired by the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Legal Guide for Bloggers, the Podcasting Legal Guide is designed to outline both legal and practical issues that are specifically relevant for podcasters, such as using music and video in a podcast. The Guide has been published both online and as a PDF under the Creative…

Tin foil hats and electric giraffes

Uncategorized post

From our excellent post at the Robotics Pavilion, the Creative Commons team could watch visitors participate in the huge array of activities, crafts, and inventions featured at last weekend’s Maker Faire in San Mateo. Faire goers wandered the grounds between countless interactive stations to enjoy flame throwers, educational presentations, sewing, silk screening, and the popular…

IBM on "Building a New IP Marketplace"

Uncategorized post

IBM assembled a worldwide community of 50 experts in the fields of law, academia, economics, government, technology and others. These experts collaborated with IBMers to discuss the issues, determine the key characteristics of a properly functioning IP marketplace, and establish a blueprint for meaningful change. Throughout May and June 2006, the group collaborated in the…

Privacy Policy (pre 2005-10-04)


This Privacy Policy explains the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information through our web site. “Personal Information” means information that would allow a party to contact you, including, for example, your full name, address, telephone number, or email address. Submitted Information. We collect Personal Information about you when you submit information or requests to…

Privacy Policy (pre 2008-10-15)


This Privacy Policy explains the collection, use, and disclosure of “personal information” by Creative Commons, a Massachusetts Corporation, with its principal place of business at 171 Second St, Suite 300, San Francisco, 94150, USA, through the websites that Creative Commons operates at http:/// and (“Websites”). Any “personal information” that Creative Commons collects via our…



Creative Commons maintains and publishes policies that apply to the use of our legal tools, our websites, content and software that we publish, our trademarks, and to those participating in the Creative Commons Global Network. Note that some of these policies are maintained on other website pages but can be viewed by clicking on the…



Many questions are answered in our FAQ and you can find out more about our Global Network. If you are unable to find your answer via our FAQ or website, please use the contact form below or email us at Contact CC Press For press/media related inquiries, please contact: Mailing address and phone…

Legal Music for Remixing and Sampling


Producers, DJs, and remixers: Looking for free sounds? Many musicians choose to release their songs under Creative Commons licenses, which give you the legal right to do things like remix them and use samples from them in your tracks for free. What is Creative Commons? Creative Commons is a new system, built upon current copyright…