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Polling Place Photo Project

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It is election day in the United States jurisdiction. The Polling Place Photo Project aims to use mass citizen journalism to document democracy: The Polling Place Photo Project is a nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that seeks to empower citizens to capture, post and share photographs of democracy in action. By documenting their local voting…

PBS TeacherSource on CC

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PBS TeacherSource blogger Andy Carvin has a great article on Encouraging Student Creativity with Creative Commons: I’m often amazed by the lack of discussion in education technology circles about copyright. Sure, people talk about it occasionally, but given the increasing number of young people (read: millions of them) uploading their own content to the Internet,…

CC & Web 2.0

Copyright post

From last week’s email… The key is to build alternatives that creators on the Internet can use to both create as they wish and keep control of their creativity. That’s the challenge I see over the next four years. And as we review over the next few weeks some of the best of CC from…

Creative Commons and Revver launch Viral Video Fundraising Campaign

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Today, Creative Commons launches a brand new fundraising model: We’re becoming the first nonprofit organization to raise money through online video sharing. We’ve uploaded several of our short videos (which explain CC licenses and talk about how the Creative Commons project began) to Revver, an incredibly cool video-sharing platform that uses Creative Commons licenses to…

Creative Commons Taps Revver to Launch New Viral Video Fundraising Model

About CC post

Creative Commons Taps Revver to Launch New Viral Video Fundraising Model Nonprofit Organization Uses Online Video Sharing to Raise Money San Francisco, CA and Los Angeles, CA – 10/31/06 – Today, Creative Commons announced that it will be the first non-profit organization to raise money through online video sharing. Revver, the first marketplace for viral…

Remix the Remixer

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As ccMixter passed the 5,000 upload mark and our star remixer teru approaches 100 remixes (no accident that his average rating is 4.75 out of 5 by the way) we’re eager to encourage folks with blogs and web pages to check out a new feature that makes it easy to embed dynamic links or Fabricio…


Open Culture post

Steven Starr is the founder and CEO of Revver, a video-sharing platform that uses Creative Commons licenses to help creators make money from their work. Creative Commons spoke with Starr to discuss Revver’s origins, its future, and the current state of user-generated video.

Version 3.0 – Revised License Drafts

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New license drafts for version 3.0 for the CC US license and the new generic/unported license have been posted. There have been several new amendments to the licenses — mainly as a result of the discussions on the cc-licenses list, but some as a result of discussions internally and amongst CC’s international affiliates. A first…

Red Hat supports CC through employee contribution matching program

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Red Hat recently launched a matching sponsorship program for their employees in order to continue their support of Creative Commons. They will match their employees’ donations dollar for dollar up to $5,000. We’d like to extend a warm thanks to our friends at Red Hat for their continued support — we are very appreciative! If…

CC Values

Copyright post

[This email is part of a weekly series written by Lawrence Lessig about Creative Commons. If you would like to be removed from this list, please click here. Alternatively, if you know others who might find these interesting, please sign them up here.] In the four years since we launched CC, the Internet, and the…