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Open Culture post

The 2006 edition of the popular international music contest Diesel-U-Music is open to unsigned artists playing rock, urban/hip-hop, and electronic music. All of the songs entered into this year’s contest will be licensed under CC’s Attribution-NonCommercial license, so they can be legally shared, reused, and remixed by people around the world. Go to from…

How I learned to stop worrying and love Creative Commons

Uncategorized post

Photojournalist Andrew Heavens on How I learned to stop worrying and love the Creative Commons: Time and distance have allowed me to reflect on the many benefits of learning to stop worrying and start loving the liberating effect of Creative Commons. On the personal side, lots of good things have come out of the fact…

CC Swag Photo Contest Weekly Winner

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So it’ s week three of the CC Swag Photo Contest and we openly acknowledge our excitement with the amount of participation! Even though we had some awesome entries this week, unfortunately we could only declare one winner. Tim Fritz, photographer and CC supporter from the US has won week three of the CC swag…

Feature FLOSS

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Creative Commons has always recommended and used free and open source licenses for software. We have long provided a deed and metadata wrapper for the GPL. Occasionally we’ve highlighted free software that complements CC licensed media, free software that we create, and pragmatic and philosophical correspondences between free software and free culture. Alex, Jon, and…

CC Swag Photo Contest Winner #2

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This weeks’ CC Swag Photo Contest winner was difficult to determine and we thank you all for your very creative submissions – but inevitably we felt compelled to support photography. This weeks’ winning photograph was taking by Franz Patzig who resides in Germany and is an avid supporter of CC and Flickr (he boasts over…

CC as a Global Movement

Copyright post

In my last letter, I described some of the ways CC technologies get integrated into Web 2.0 applications. Many of you wrote that you were surprised by the examples, and were especially excited that the applications reached so broadly internationally. That response has led me to tell a bit more about CC as a global…

Avatar Chess in Second Life

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Barney Boomslang and Bibi Book have brought the game of chess into the virtual world. Play or watch on Thursday, November 16 at 4pm PST. Find us at our usual spot on Kula 4. Residents may sign up to participate in the 32-player game by wearing a chess piece outfit and moving across the board.…

Magnatune founder John Buckman joins Creative Commons board

Uncategorized post

Creative Commons is pleased to announce that Magnatune Records founder John Buckman has joined our board of directors. Magnatune Records is an Internet-based record label that uses Creative Commons licensing to gain wider audiences for its music. Magnatune currently represents over 220 recording artists and released its 500th album in October 2006. Buckman had this…


About CC post

MAGNATUNE FOUNDER JOHN BUCKMAN JOINS CREATIVE COMMONS BOARD San Francisco, CA, USA — November 16, 2006 Creative Commons today announced that Magnatune Records founder John Buckman has joined the organization’s board of directors. Buckman’s appointment is a reflection of Creative Commons’ growing interest in commercial applications of CC’s licenses and principles. Buckman’s business — Magnatune…