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Legal ports to Brazilian law of Creative Commons 2.0 licenses are now live. Commoners Glenn Otis Brown and Neeru Paharia are at Software Livre 2004 in Porto Alegre for the launch celebration. Chairman Lawrence Lessig will arrive later this week for the official announcement, which will be led by Brazilian Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil.…

BBC opens up to CC

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The BBC recently announced they’ll be opening up their archive and applying Creative Commons licenses to the works. A group of interested folks have started a list to talk about the release and produced a petition to support the decision.

Remixing creativity

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CC staff favorite and Magnatune artist, Brad Sucks recently started releasing the source to his most popular song, Making Me Nervous, and asking folks to contribute remixes. Like the Jim’s Big Ego remix project we’re got going on here (which can get your remix onto national radio), Brad’s now got six remixes (1, 2, 3,…

Music licensing and American Idol

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The New York Times published an article about how the music industry influences song choice on American Idol today. I’ve long suspected that contestant song choice was limited to what the show could afford to pay in licensing costs ahead of time, since the choices of songs to cover seem limited. A producer of the…

Announcing (and explaining) our new 2.0 licenses

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Last night, after many months of gathering and processing great feedback from all of you, we turned on version 2.0 of the main Creative Commons licenses. The 2.0 licenses are very similar to the 1.0 licenses — in aim, in structure, and, by and large, in the text itself. We’ve included, however, a few key…

DMusic supports Creative Commons and embeds MP3 files

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DMusic, the oldest independent digital online music community now supports Creative Commons in their upload process. More importantly though, DMusic is providing the first web-based application to embed Creative Commons license information into ID3 tags of MP3 files. Now, when you upload your MP3 file to DMusic and choose a Creative Commons license, DMusic will…

Jim's Big Ego sweetens the deal — be on NPR

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Jim will pick three to five of his favorite remixes from our remix contest to be featured on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered this June. The piece will be about this contest. Jim says his deadline for entries will be June 10th. We’ll still feature our favorite song on our web site as of…

Derivative works and effects on book sales

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Suw Charman has a great article on The Free Culture AudioBook Project that touches on all the reasons why an author would use a Creative Commons license, and what can come out of such an exercise. The issues around business models in publishing are also covered.

Rip-Mix-Burning DVD players

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Copyfight has an interesting post on the discrepancy in congress over ClearPlay DVD players. The players automatically remove scenes that would be offensive to sensitive viewers, but do so in the comfort of one’s own home while playing standard movies on DVD. Some politicians oppose it because individuals are creating derivative works and they also…

New fourstones album

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Previous winner of a Creative Commons remix contest, Victor Stone has released a new record on Magnatune. Like his earlier Magnatune works, it is a remix album of other Magnatune artists. He’s written a great background post on the album and why he chose the artists he did.