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Picture of the Eiffel Tower for noncommercial use

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When Creative Commons’ model was forming, members of the founding team often cited an example of one day being able to search for photos of the Eiffel Tower that could be used noncommercially — an arbitrary example to articulate our vision. Our licenses, and metadata schema were built to make this a reality. We can…

Pew Musician Survey

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The Pew Internet Project released a report today, which surveyed musicians and internet users. While the downloading habits portion of the results were covered in the NY Times today, the most compelling statistic from the artist report was this: 83% [of musicians] have provided free samples of their work online and significant numbers say free…

The Metaphysician

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I recently ran across Doctor Paradox (a.k.a. Barb). She creates very funky, fun, and creative sample-loop-based music using Ableton Live and other tools for the Mac. I recently spoke with her about CC licensing, found art in remixes, and music in general. Apparently I caught her in the middle of reading Larry Lessig’s The Future…


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Audioscrobbler is an amazing community music tracking application that is really starting to gain some steam. The premise is pretty simple, you run a small app on your deskop which sends information about what songs you are playing on your computer’s MP3/CD player. Now that they have thousands of regular users, they aggregate the information…

iCommons Progress

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In the first quarter of the current year, iCommons has made significant progress in porting the CC licences – based on US-copyright law – to other jurisdictions, thereby internationalizing the movement. By early April, three European countries (Germany, Croatia and the Netherlands) as well as Australia and Jordan had come up with the first drafts…

Magnatune on iRATE radio

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iRATE radio has placed 3,000 CC-licensed tracks from the non-evil Magnatune label into “rotation.” iRATE is a collaborative filtering system for music. The first song new users have the opportunity to rate is Monsters from Magnatune artist Beth Quist. A future iRATE skin will include CC license indicators in the main display. Here’s a sneak…

Giving It Away (for Fun and Profit)

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Andy Raskin wrote a long, detailed piece about Creative Commons for the May 2004 issue of Business 2.0 magazine entitled “Giving It Away (for Fun and Profit).” The thrust of the artice is a look at what the future landscape might look like for artists that license their work under Creative Commons. The article also…

ECHO Conference Berlin

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I delivered a talk on Creative Commons’s international efforts yesterday at the conference of European Cultural Heritage Online. The conference took place in the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany. ECHO is an EU-funded collaborative research endeavour that provides support for scientific and cultural institutions in Europe that enrich cultural…

The times, they are a-changin'

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A recent study of people that download music from the internet found that 21% of the participants had also downloaded a feature film before. 9% had even downloaded a film in the past month. These are some fairly high numbers and point out that while everyone has been predicting what happened to music would eventually…