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A Metamorphosis?

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“A Kafkaesque state of affairs has effectively closed off access to thousands of old movies, books and pieces of music because the copyright owners can’t be located.” From a nice article about Creative Commons and content licensing by Sarah Lai Stirland in the Seattle Times.

Take This Piece . . .

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Arnold Kling of Tech Central Station meditates upon the scatology of the commons in “Content is Crap”. Dan Gillmor, Siva Vaidhyanathan, and folks on Slashdot respond.

Come Together

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Richard Koman has a nice first-hand account of our license release party on the O’Reilly Network. (This slipped past our radar last week.) Koman describes the event as an Eldred v. Ashcroft “reunion night,” which is somewhat accurate, though we’ll take the opportunity to remind folks that Creative Commons has no official ties to the…

Prentice Hall to Publish Bruce Perens 'Open Source' Books

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Innovative content licensing seems to be catching on — even beyond the efforts of Creative Commons. Prentince Hall PTR recently announced that they’ll publish a series of technical books under open-content licenses. Read the Slashdot story. Kudos to Bruce Perens for brokering the move, and to Prentice Hall for joining O’Reilly and Associaties in the…

People Like Us in New York City

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UK-based media artist (and Creative Commons license adopter) People Like Us will perform in New York City this week. On January 8th, People Like Us (a.k.a. Vicki Bennett) will screen the intriguingly titled “We Edit Life” at Subtonic. On the 12th from 5pm to 7pm EST, People Like Us will hit the airwaves with WFMU,…

Creative Commons at Future of Music Coalition Summit, Washington, Jan. 6

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The Future of Music Coalition will host their third-annual Policy Summit January 4 through 7 in Washington D.C. The FMC3 summit will bring policymakers, academics, lawyers, activists — and, of course, a number of premier musicians — together for a discussion of artists’ rights and technology’s influence on the music industry. Glenn Otis Brown, Creaitve…

Intellectual Baggage — The Good Kind

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For some particularly excellent commentary about Creative Commons licenses, check out Denise M. Howell’s Bag and Baggage, one of the snappiest law-and-tech blogs out there. Denise chronicles her own experience applying one of our licenses to her blog and addresses readers’ questions about the licenses, among other things. As our chairman has pointed out in…