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Notable recent CC licensors

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In the world of weblogs, we’ve noticed a couple notable recent adopters of Creative Commons licenses. Jon Johansen, the teenage hacker that famously cracked DVD encryption so he could watch a movie he purchased on his computer, started a blog called “So Sue Me.” He was recently acquitted of charges he did anything wrong. A…

Movie Mashin' Mike Meyers

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Mike Meyers, star of the popular Austin Powers series, has just scored an unusual movie deal with Dreamworks that will allow him to make films from sampling earlier movies. DreamWorks will acquire the necessary rights so the actor can be digitally inserted in the old flicks. Today, people practicing in music and movie “mash-ups” are…

Movable Type 2.6 released

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As we reported last month when it was first announced, the new version of Movable Type, a popular application for managing weblogs, was released today with full support for adding a Creative Commons license to your website. If you have a weblog, or are thinking about starting one, you might want to check out the…

Scientific American & Creative Commons

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There’s a great piece about Creative Commons in the March issue of Scientific American. You may remember that Scientific American recently named our chairman Lawrence Lessig one of the 50 top innovators of 2002.

New Featured Commoner profile up

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Free trading of our music has genuine, verifiable returns. Community. Exchanges of artistic thought and aesthetic commodity. . . The RIAA argument that artists won’t particpate in the marketplace of ideas without financial compensation for CDs seems pretty short-sighted from where we sit. — Chris Wetherell, Dealership We recently sat down for an interview with…

Blogging in the Public Domain

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There’s been a lot of recent talk among weblogs regarding Creative Commons licenses. After a little healthy back-and-froth, Copyfight cleared up some confusion over its use of a Creative Commons license. Doc (whom we profiled on this site) recently changed his blog to devote the contents to the public domain, sparking a discussion among a…

Co-evolution of Japanese CC-like licenses

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In Japan, a project called the “Intellectual Property Outline” started in July 2002 and includes some provisions that seek to accomplish many of the same goals as the Creative Commons. While it is clear they were not influenced by us directly, it’s interesting to watch the convergence of alternate forms of copyright come from governments…

State of the Union

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Public Campaign, a campaign-finance reform advocacy group, made its “State of the Union” poster available under a Creative Commons license on its website today. The image features the president of the United States making a State of the Union address — not to the houses of Congress, but to the trading floors of a stock…