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Day 13: CC Germany

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The past 13 days have been unbelievable. The support that you have shown CC and the CCi volunteer affiliates has been phenomenal. Tomorrow marks the end of the campaign so we’re making one final push to help us reach our goal. As always there are several ways to help us reach this goal: shop at…

Day 12: CC Sweden

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The end of the campaign is near and we have received phenomenal support from our community. And for that we thank you. We still need to raise $22,460 in the next three days. If 45 people give at the $500 level we will reach our goal. If you’re looking for a unique present for someone…

Day 11: CC Colombia

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The past 24 hours have been rather active as we close in on the end of the campaign. We’ve now received $27,240 in support for the CCi Affiliate scholarships! We’re so close and with your support we can meet this goal. Over the past 10 days we’ve traversed the globe and have heard incredible news…

First (former) head of government to blog under CC

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Nimrod Lev, a musician who has released many songs and videos under CC licenses, writes to tell us that former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided (English) to publish his blog under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Israel license, after hearing from Nimrod about CC. Thanks Nimrod! For exciting and ongoing news about copyright and candidates…

Day 8: CC Argentina

Copyright post

So far we’ve profiled Creative Commons international volunteers in Hungary, Taiwan, Chile, France, Catalonia, Spain, Malaysia and Peru. Today we’ll stay in South America with Creative Commons Argentina. Please donate in support of scholarships for our international project volunteers. Read letters from Lawrence Lessig explaining the campaign and an exciting new opportunity. After the launch…

Day 7: CC Peru

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This marks the seventh day since the launch of the CCi Affiliate Scholarship Campaign. It has been an active week and we cannot thank you enough for your support. There are 6 days left to help meet the $100,000 challenge that we announced on May 2nd. In terms of raising the initial $50,000 for the…

Day 6: CC Malaysia

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The past 24hrs have been very active for the CCi Scholarship Campaign! I cannot stress how important participating in this campaign is and the opportunity at stake. A $100,000 matching challenge does not present itself very often so it’s critical that we meet this goal. We appreciate your support so much and hope that you…

Day 5: CC Catalonia & CC Spain

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Today marks a turning point in the campaign to fund the CCi Affiliates thanks to a VERY generous donor. It also marks the first time that we’ve highlighted two jurisdictions in one day. Both of these jurisdictions and projects are very active so it is my pleasure to post this lengthy yet amazing and inspirational…

Day 5: CC France

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Yep – another slow day for the CCi Affiliate Scholarship Campaign. I had high hopes for the state of the campaign yesterday as I walked into work and I refuse to let them whither. As you all now assuredly know we believe that it’s truly important to fund the CCi Affiliates participation in the iCommons…

Day 3: CC Taiwan

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Yesterday was another excruciatingly slow day for the campaign. We’ve now raised $6,818. At this rate over three days, we will fall short of our two week goal by a whopping $18,192, which will clearly not enable us to fund scholarships for all of our international volunteers who should be at the iSummit — to…