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Day 2: CC Hungary

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Day one of our two week/$50,000 Creative Commons International affiliate iSummit scholarship campaign exceeded expectations, but yesterday was a big letdown. We’ve raised $6,618 in two days. At this rate we will not be able to end the campaign early and will end up $3,674 short. (Please help!) As promised, we’re going to profile Creative…

Enter the name of a mainstream artist…

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Jamendo has continued to add music and features at a torrid pace. Their latest feature is Jamendo+Radioblog, which allows navigating all 3041 albums available on Jamendo in one Flash-based web interface, including navigation by Creative Commons license. You can also type the name of a mainstream artist into the Jamendo+Radioblog interface and obtain recommendations for…

Our Virtual Make Over

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For those who haven’t already noticed, Creative Commons’ home on Kula 4 in Second Life is currently undergoing a complete make over – which is happening alongside our Real life office move! Thanks to the ideas of Professor Mark Perry (Learned Om) and Nic Suzor (Nic Marx) of CC Australia, and the work of our…

Jamendo 3k, Integrating open content

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Another milestone for CC-centric music site Jamendo: 3,000 albums released, including 1,000 in the last three months. If you’re a Linux user the Rythmbox music player is a great way to explore these albums. It ships with a Jamendo plugin (and a Magnatune plugin), providing a seamless listening experience. Screenshot: Jono Bacon recently wrote about…

141 picks

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As noted in January, Black Sweater White Cat has taken the CC music pick of the day baton. Last week they reached 100 picks. Meanwhile, blocSonic has released their fourth beautifully packaged netlabel compilation: Soundtrack for the Coming Revolution. We mentioned their first release, also only in January. That’s 141 CC-licensed picks from music lovers…

For the myspace generation, Vivaldi lives

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Magnatune founder (and CC board member) John Buckman in an opinion piece for Gig Magazine: In 1980, Classical music represented 20% of global music sales. In 2000, Classical had plummeted to just 2% of global music sales. What happened? Did all those people suddenly lose their taste for classical music? Or is something else going…

Jamendo goes P2P platinum

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Oft-mentioned Creative Commons centric music site Jamendo has gone platinum — its BitTorrent trackers have counted one million downloads of albums hosted by Jamendo. Add eDonkey downloads and single track non-P2P streaming and secondary distribution, Jamendo is almost certainly multi-platinum equivalent, and all legal. Help Jamendo celebrate by downloading, sharing and remixing more music.

"The wiki is the center of my classroom"

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That’s a quote from Wikis and Blogs in Education, one of three educational remixes from students of open content pioneer David Wiley. The other two are Interviewing Basics and the Open Water Project, an excellent disaster preparedness video that probably everyone should watch. Each project is licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike and incorporates CC licensed and…

Summer of Code application deadline extended

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Students, you have a couple more days: until 12:00 AM UTC March 27, 2007. Check out project ideas from Creative Commons and Science Commons. MusicBrainz also has a CC-specific Summer of Code idea, see improving Creative Commons integration. More details at our previous post on CC and SoC 2007.


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The CC-enabled music collaboration space is heating up. The newest contestant is Kompoz, which features a project/workspace metaphor. Compare and contrast with Splicemusic, Jamglue, and ccMixter.