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Paris Musées Releases 100,000+ Works Into the Public Domain

Open Culture post
Portrait de l'écrivaine libertaire et féministe Caroline Rémy dite Séverine (1855-1929), sur son balcon. A portrait of Caroline Rémy (1855-1929), a French feminist journalist. Photo by Paul Cardon.

The Paris Musées’ recently released more than 100,000 works under Creative Commons Zero (CCØ), putting the works into the public domain. They also released their collections’ Application Programming Interface (API), allowing users to “recover, in high definition, several royalty-free images and their records from cross-searches on the works.” Users can scroll through the collection via…

U.S. Appellate Court Enforces CC’s Interpretation of NonCommercial

Licenses & Tools, Open Education post
NC Button

Update: On February 7, 2020, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied Great Minds’ petition for rehearing (opinion (PDF)). As a result, the decision (PDF) of the panel in favor of CC’s interpretation of the licenses remains final. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit reaffirmed Creative Commons’ interpretation of activities that are permissible under the…

Introducing the CC Search Browser Extension

Technology post
CC Search Extension (1)

This is part of a series of posts introducing the projects built by open source contributors mentored by Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2019. Mayank Nader was one of those contributors and we are grateful for his work on this project. Creative Commons (CC) is working towards providing easy access to CC-licensed…

How UC Berkeley Students Helped Improve CC Search

About CC post
Above is a screenshot of the students’ proposed prototype for an improved CC Search. (CC BY)

Since its launch, CC Search has become more than just a search tool for CC-licensed content; it has come to exemplify the virtuous cycle of knowledge creation—where we create, collaborate, and learn from one another.  Our recent collaboration with a group of students from UC Berkeley was a true exercise in this cycle of creation…

Thank You for Translating “Made with Creative Commons”

About CC post
Book cover from Made with Creative Commons.

In 2017, CC published Made with Creative Commons, a book examining 24 different business models built around CC licenses and CC-licensed content. Financially supported by more than 1600 backers on Kickstarter, the project itself is an example of how openly licensed work can be funded and how CC-licensed content can evolve over time.  After publishing…

Share Your Thoughts and Experiences of the CC Global Network!

About CC post
Global Network Survey

The Creative Commons (CC) Global Network is made up of people like you. People who are attracted to the CC Global Network because of what can be accomplished by building a globally-accessible public commons of knowledge and culture through CC’s tools and products.  In 2016, CC released an assessment of the community in the Faces…

Introducing CC Vocabulary, Our New Web Design System

About CC, Technology post
Vocabulary landing page

This is part of a series of posts introducing the projects built by open source contributors mentored by Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2019. Dhruv Bhanushali was one of those contributors and we are grateful for his work on this project. Over the past few months, we’ve been working on CC Vocabulary,…

CC Certificate Graduate on the Ripple Effect of Open Licensing Expertise for K12 Pedagogy

Open Education post
Kevin Corcoran Interview New UNESCO House in Paris. United Nations. 1958-September-01 / CC BY

After running 26 CC Certificate courses, and certifying hundreds of graduates, CC is exploring the way the courses impact graduates and their communities. In this interview, we highlight one CC Certificate graduate’s work within Connecticut, a #GoOpen state, and celebrate the momentum he’s built in open education.  This interview is with Kevin Corcoran. Kevin is the…

Meet Our 2020 Interns From Outreachy

About CC, Technology post
Outreach Logo

We’re happy to announce the selection of our 2020 interns from Outreachy—a remote internship program that “supports diversity in free and open source software.” Over the next three months, these interns will work with several members of the Creative Commons’ team on three different projects related to the CC Vocabulary, the CC License Chooser, and…

Save the Date: Public Domain Day 2020 Is Happening in January in Washington, D.C.

Copyright, Events, Open Access, Open Culture post

Creative Commons is thrilled to announce that the second Public Domain Day celebration is happening on January 30, 2020 in Washington, D.C. We’re working with our friends at the Internet Archive, the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property at American University Washington College of Law, Creative Commons USA, the Institute for Intellectual Property &…