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Posts by allison

ccNewsletter #12


Spring is a time for new beginnings, and April’s newsletter will catch you up on all of CC’s many exciting new projects in addition to several milestones marking our continued growth and development as a leader of openness in the realms of science, education and culture, as well as internationally. This newsletter is chock full…

20×200 Benefit Edition: Buy Art, Support CC

Copyright, Events, Open Culture

On Tuesday, April 7th, 20×200, a project started by Jen Bekman that produces affordable, exhibition quality art prints and sells them exclusively online, will release a special benefit edition by designer Matt Jones with proceeds to benefit Creative Commons. This is an incredible way to support CC, so be sure to sign up for the…

ccSalon SF 4/15/09


At April’s CC Salon SF, we will hear from three presenters showcasing their innovative international ventures and discussing how CC licenses can be used in international projects to facilitate content sharing and connectivity across borders: * Miquel Hudin Balsa, Co-Founder of Maneno, a blogging and communication platform built to meet the needs of the Sub-Saharan…

CC Community Call recording now online


On Monday, February 23, 2009, we hosted our first community conference call. Donors who have given a gift of at least $250 to CC were invited to join members of CC’s staff and board, including CEO Joi Ito and Board Chair Jamie Boyle, to discuss what 2009 will look like for Creative Commons, in terms…