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Posts by elliot

#cc10 Featured Content: John Wilbanks on GlaxoSmithKline


John Wilbanks / Nick Vedros / CC BY-SA In celebration of Creative Commons’ tenth anniversary, we asked various friends of CC to write about the role that open licensing plays in their fields. Today, John Wilbanks shows how the world’s largest pharmaceutical company made a big step in malaria research by sharing its data openly.…

#cc10 Featured Content: Gautam John on Annual Haircut Day


In celebration of Creative Commons’ tenth anniversary, we asked various friends of CC to write about their favorite CC-licensed content. Today, social entrepreneur and Pratham Books new projects manager Gautam John writes about two children’s books that took on lives of their own, thanks to CC licensing. On the 17th of November, 2008, we took…

#cc10 Featured Platform: deviantART


Words can make a deeper scar than silence can healilovestrawberries / CC BY-NC-ND Throughout the #cc10 celebrations, we’ll be profiling online platforms with Creative Commons integration. I reached out to Josh Wattles, longtime copyright lawyer and advisor in chief at deviantART, to get his perspective on how artists online use (or don’t use) CC licensing.…

#cc10 Featured Platform: Scribd


In celebration of Creative Commons’ tenth anniversary, we’re writing about various platforms that host CC-licensed content. Today, we’re featuring document-sharing site Scribd. Most people reading this are probably quite familiar with Scribd. It’s an easy, reliable place to publish documents and presentations. A lot of professional publishers use it, including our friends at Pratham Books.…

#cc10 Featured Content: Cory Doctorow on Rudy Rucker


Cory Doctorow / NK Guy / CC BY-SA In celebration of Creative Commons’ tenth anniversary, we asked various friends of CC to write about their favorite CC-licensed content. Today, blogger and science fiction author Cory Doctorow writes about the CC-licensed novels of one of the original cyberpunks. Rudy Rucker’s Wetware books: the finest high-weirdness of…