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Posts by fbenenson

Picasa Now Supports Creative Commons


This week Google threw its hat into the photo-commons ring with by announcing its newly upgraded Picasa Web Albums service. Users of Picasa now have the option to individually license their photos on the site under any of our six licenses, and can also set their profile to default to a particular one: Just look…

Community Generated HowTos


Molly Kleinman, the “multi-purpose” librarian, has started putting together some easy to digest HowTos on Creative Commons. In HowTo #1 she details some very reasonable examples of proper attribution: An Ideal Attribution This video features the song “Play Your Part (Pt.1)” by Girl Talk, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license. © 2008, Greg Gillis.…

Animasher Brings Commons Remixing to Animation

Open Culture

Animasher is a site with a simple premise based on a powerful tool that helps anyone remix the commons. The core of the site is a flash tool that enables easy key frame based creation of animations complete with music and narration. In order to seed the site with remixable content, Animasher pulls Attribution licensed…

Semantic Media Wiki Quick Reference Guide


Creative Commons uses Semantic Media Wiki for both our external wiki and our internal task and project management system. As opposed to a normal wiki where text is “flat”, the text and data inside a SMW can be structured in sophisticated ways that allow for meaningful querying of knowledge statements of the corpus. To give a…

Announcing September's CC Salon NYC


After the success of July’s CC Salon NYC, we’re even more excited about inviting you to September’s! The Open Planning Project has once again generously allowed us to use their loft space in the West Village for the salon and a reception afterward. September’s Salon will feature presentations from Rachel Sterne from, Michael Galpert…