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Posts by fbenenson

The Reality of Professional Photography on Wikipedia

About CC

Noam Cohen’s piece in the New York Times over the weekend highlighted some of the issues surrounding photography on Wikipedia: At a time when celebrities typically employ a team of professionals to control their images, Wikipedia is a place where chaos rules. Few high-quality photographs, particularly of celebrities, make it onto this site. This is…

Wiki-Conference NYC 2009


In New York this weekend? Head on over to NYC for the 1st Wiki-Conference.  Here are the details: The 1st Wiki-Conference New York will be held over the weekend of July 25-26 2009 at New York University, and hosted by Free Culture @ NYU and Wikimedia New York City. The location for the conference is…

HOWTO Make Your CC-licensed Images Visible to Robots


Robot by genewolf CC BY-ND 2.0 After last week’s exciting announcement that Google Image search is now capable of filtering results by usage rights, we realized there is a lot of interest in how creators can signal their work as being CC-licensed to both humans and robots. Fortunately, CC has a solution for this that…

Google Image Search Implements CC License Filtering

About CC

Today, Google officially launched the ability to filter search results using Creative Commons licenses inside their Image Search tool. It is now easy to restrict your Image Search results to find images which have been tagged with our licenses, so that you can find content from across the web that you can share, use, and even modify.…