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Posts by glenn

The WIRED CD: On the Air Right Now


Neal Conan, of NPR’s Talk of the Nation, is interviewing WIRED editor-in-chief Chris Anderson and Le Tigre’s Kathleen Hanna at this very moment. Tune in to NPR to catch it (88.5 in the Bay Area); you can even call into the show and sound off. One caller just now, from Waco, Texas: “I have remixed…

The WIRED CD: The Talk of the Nation


So to speak. Tune in to NPR today for a special program about the WIRED CD. Out here in the Pacific US time zone, it’s slated for 12:30pm, but you may want to check the Talk of the Nation site for airtime in your area.

To Do Before Listening to WIRED CD: The Creative Remix


If you missed the Creative Remix radio show this Sunday in San Francisco, you can still catch it online. Wow your friends with insight gleaned from Ben Walker’s look at the artistic remix through the ages — from ancient Greek poetry to modern historial fiction to aesthetic Nintendo hacks. Such insight might come in particularly…

The WIRED CD: Yes, We Have Arrived


You can now get your copy of the WIRED CD, free with the November issue of WIRED, at your newstand. Get yourself two copies: one for you and your friends, and one to save, in plastic, for your grandchildren. See the full track list.

Remix Radio Show This Sunday in San Francisco!


At 2pm this Sunday on the Bay Area’s KALW (91.7), Benjamen Walker’s “The Creative Remix” will debut on the airwaves. The main point of the show: “If remixing is an art form why are the lawyers running the conversation?” Follow Ben, whose insight and sense of humor have drawn him a cult radio following, as…