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Posts by glenn

How to Tell People You're CC-ing It


Among the many cool features of our re-design this fall, we may not have given one page the attention it deserved. If you’re marking your work or web page with our little Some Rights Reserved button, you should take a look at our suggestions for making a precise statement about what’s being licensed, complete with…

Advance in Cancer Research?


NPR’s Science Friday last week spoke with Howard Chang, of Stanford Medical School’s Biochemistry Department. Chang discussed his recent article, co-authored with several colleagues and published in the Public Library of Science Biology open-access journal, which explores how scientists can learn about cancer from studying the way common wounds heal. Like all PLoS publications, Chang…

That's a wrap


The GET CREATIVE! Moving Image Contest has gone the way of 2003. Many thanks to those of you who submitted entries by the New Year. Our panel of expert judges is now sorting out the winners. Stay tuned!

Subscribe to Free Content


In case you missed it among our other many cool re-design features this fall, I’d strongly recommended subscribing to the RSS feeds for Common Content (RSS here) and the Internet Archive (RSS here). Put them in your favorite blog-/news-reader, and you’ve got a fresh batch of free culture waiting for you every morning.

Can CC Kill Spam?


Well, maybe not on its own. But now that I’ve gotten your attention with that spammish subject line, you might want to check out John Henshaw’s tips for avoiding spam at Family Resource, licensed under a Creative Commons license — which means you can copy and send them to everyone in your address book. Thanks…