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Posts by glenn

Algunos Derechos Reservados (Some Rights Reserved)


Sounds good in Spanish, too. Here’s an article from on Creative Commons and director James Boyle‘s recent visit to Argentina. The piece doesn’t quite get how Creative Commons’s approach is reliant upon and compatible with copyright, but it’s nice to see another example of interest in our work building across the world.

Sampling Licenses


Inspired by world-famous musician and composer Gilberto Gil and developed with the help of the veteran found-art group Negativland, Creative Commons will launch our new Sampling Licenses on December 16, 2003. Read more.

Attribution, Hollywood-style


There’s a great article by Tad Friend in this week’s New Yorker, entitled “Credit Grab.” The piece explains the (fairly arbitrary) arbitration process used to settle authorship disputes over big Hollywood movies and to award credit to screenwriters. The process is a mess, says Friend, in part because most Hollywood pictures, particularly those whose characters…

Creative Commons awarded prize for Best Social Innovation


We’ve just learned that the Institute for Social Inventions (UK) has named our licensing project the Best Social Innovation in 2003 in the Communications Category. The Institute is an educational charity founded in 1985. Its patrons include Brian Eno, Anita Roddick, and Fay Weldon. We’ll pass on details as we learn more.