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Posts by lisak

Meet our board members: Caterina Fake


Caterina Fake by Richard Morgenstein / CC BY-SA The first website CC board member Caterina Fake ever made was a fan page for Lolita author Vladimir Nabokov, her favorite writer.  “When I first went online around 1993-1994, every site was just something people had just put up–pictures of their cat, or a marble collection, or…

3taps Supports Creative Commons with a Matching Challenge


Greg Kidd and Karen Gifford by Elizabeth Sabo / CC BY Today, we’d like to turn your attention to 3taps, a new startup that makes sifting through classified ads a whole lot easier. 3taps is supporting our fall fundraising campaign with a $3000 matching challenge! That means if you donate now, 3taps will match your…

Meet our board members: Molly Van Houweling


Molly Van Houweling by Joi / CC BY When Molly Van Houweling ran Creative Commons back in 2001, she was the only staff member, working out of a small office on the third floor of the Stanford law school building. Her work there was mundane but critical: taking off from the pivotal meeting among the…