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Posts by matt

Licensing against Slashdotting


Earlier today, Steven Garrity’s excellent essay on Mozilla branding was Slashdotted, bringing his server down for several hours (it’s a common effect). What is interesting about it is that I personally could not reach the server to read the document, but thanks to the attached Creative Commons license and the license provisions that allow for…

Open Source Democracy


This week’s featured content is Douglas Rushkoff‘s new essay entitled Open Source Democracy. It’s a 70 page essay (available as a free downloadable PDF) that explores the future of politics in an interactive world. It was created for the UK thinktank Demos, and is available under a Creative Commons License. For those unfamiliar with Rushkoff’s…

Copy Me/Remix Me CD out


Earlier tonight at the Lessig vs. Rosen debate, we gave away copies of our second* CD, Copy Me/Remix Me. It features a variety of music from an even wider variety of artists. Among the featured musicians, you’ll find record-at-home independents, magnatune and opsound artists, world music groups, and small town rock bands. As we mentioned…

The War over Music: A Debate


If you’re in Los Angeles, you might want to check out Chairman of the Creative Commons, Lawrence Lessig, along with former recording industry head Hilary Rosen tonight and tomorrow at USC’s Bovard Auditorium. Tickets are $10, and Creative Commons will be there giving out information and licensed music CDs (more about the CDs shortly).



Gnomoradio is a new project to create a free software package that will allow people to share Creative Commons licensed audio. While there are no downloadable clients currently, the project is proceeding rapidly and they have put a call out for musicians wanting to release their licensed music to the network.