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Posts by matt

Engadget on mashups, call for tutorials


Engadget is a great all-around blog about technology and the latest gadgets, but in the past few weeks they’ve began doing a “podcast” which is sort of like a home-brewed radio show, saved as mp3s and shared on their site. This week’s podcast has an interesting segment on “Mashing the Planet,” their call to arms…

One artist's view of filesharing


Scott Andrew Lepera, previously featured in our Audio section a couple years back, has a great post today looking at the benefits and costs of filesharing to a small, independent artist. He weighs the pros and cons of both filesharing and digital rights management (DRM), and comes to a different conclusion than he once held.…

30 Million newspapers to be put online


Great news for the public domain: The National Endowment for the Arts and the Library of Congress are putting 30 million newspaper pages online, dating from 1836 to 1922. It’ll take until 2006 to complete the project but the Library of Congress has put up a sample from The Stars and Stripes, an armed forces…

New Yorker on the tricky nature of copyright


There’s a great (long) New Yorker piece this week covering the world of plagarism, copyright, and sampling. In it, Malcolm Gladwell recounts the story of an earlier article that ended up in a hit Broadway play and how in the end, he didn’t feel cheated but instead felt the playwright had created a new work…