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Posts by mia


Open Culture

Lulu offers a publishing service for “digital do-it-yourselfers” to publish all manner of media including books, music, comics, photographs, and movies. Lulu lets creators set the license terms, including Creative Commons licenses, for their works as part of the publishing process. Authors can also set the price at which they wish to sell their content.…

Free 'Screen' Culture – Melbourne, May 17, 2006


If you’re in Melbourne or will be next Wednesday, check out the Free ‘Screen’ Culture forum which is taking place as part of Arts Law Week. Open Channel is hosting the forum which will feature 7 panelists debating “Creative Commons – new technologies and licensing for the screen.” There will also be a live video…

Podcasting Legal Guide Released


Creative Commons, Vogele & Associates & the Berkman Center’s Clinical Program have put together a Podcasting Legal Guide to provide general information to podcasters about legal issues they may need to consider when podcasting. The Guide has been is available both online and as a PDF under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license. A hardcopy…

Classical Music Goes Digital (& CC)


John Buckman from Magnatune drew our attention to recent press coverage about the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra’s decision to eschew traditional music distribution methods and release their performance of Handel’s 1736 opera “Atalanta” exclusively through Magnatune. Apparently, the Orchestra’s decision was prompted by disappointing CD sales. Now the music can be enjoyed either by streaming at…