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Posts by mike
partial feeds : full feeds :: all rights reserved : creative commons
by mike UncategorizedDebate over whether it makes sense to syndicate complete posts or only excerpts pops up regularly, most recently in reaction to the popular Freakonomics blog moving to the New York TImes, which brought with it a move to partial feeds. The idea of partial feeds is to make readers go to the syndicating site to…
Humans, computers, and CC
by mike UncategorizedComputerworld just published a short (and friendly, despite the “hot seat” title) interview with MIT professor and CC board member Hal Abelson. Much of the interview concerns Creative Commons and MIT OpenCourseWare, but is worth reading for some perspective even if you already know everything there is to know about CC and OCW. My favorite…
Usage of Creative Commons by UK cultural heritage organisations
by mike UncategorizedThe Eduserv Foundation is funding an important study on the use of open licensing at cultural heritage institutions in the UK: A study titled “The Common Information Environment and Creative Commons” was funded by Becta, the British Library, DfES, JISC and the MLA on behalf of the Common Information Environment. The work was carried out…
Wiki to books: Wikitravel Press launches
by mike UncategorizedWikitravel Press has launched to produce printed books based on the pioneering CC BY-SA licensed collaborative travel site Wikitravel. From the announcement: Wikitravel Press is owned and operated by Jani Patokallio, a long-time Wikitravel community leader and travel writer, and Evan Prodromou and Michele Ann Jenkins, the site founders. Books will be sold at competitive…
Preliminary Thoughts on Copyright Reform
by mike UncategorizedCopyright scholar Pamela Samuelson has published a very readable call to begin thinking about comprehensive copyright reform in the form of a model law. Those familiar with Creative Commons will recognize that rationale for and obstacles to reform at the government level demonstrate the critical role played by Creative Commons. Samuelson on part of the…