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Victoria Heath

Victoria Heath
Victoria Heath (Photo by Hannah Rosen, CC BY)

Victoria is a researcher with a creative edge—using effective communication tools and techniques to increase accessibility to global issues and policies.

Before joining Creative Commons, she worked in content creation and knowledge translation roles at the Institute for Gender and the Economy (GATE) and MaRS Discovery District, and has conducted policy research for the Womenpreneur Initiative, Project Vote Smart, and the Munk School. She is currently a volunteer researcher at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute. Her primary focus of research and writing has been the intersections of society, technology, and security.

You can usually find her wandering around Toronto with her Nikon in one hand and a mocha in the other, listening to BBC radio and talking to strangers. ☕️

Photo credit: Hannah Rosen, CC BY

Posts by Victoria Heath

What’s New in the Noosphere?

About CC

The term “global commons” usually brings to mind the biosphere’s natural resources that everyone shares and benefits from, like water or air. But the global commons is also home to what’s called the noosphere—all the resources and artifacts created by human reason and scientific thought, such as music, art, language, and research. Creative Commons has…

Indian State of Odisha Releases 21 Dictionaries Under CC BY

Open Culture, Open Education

When governments choose to use Creative Commons licenses to preserve and share cultural knowledge, like Indigenous languages, it illustrates how our licenses can help create a more accessible and equitable world.  Recently, CC India’s Global Network Representative (GNC) Subhashish Panigrahi brought to our attention that the Indian state of Odisha licensed 21 dictionaries—in all 21…

We Created a CC Style Guide; It’s Yours to Remix

About CC

Crafting and maintaining a consistent style is essential to establishing and promoting an organization’s brand.  As with any organization, Creative Commons’ (CC) brand should help CC build trust with its stakeholders and the broader open movement, as well as maintain and grow CC’s reputation, legitimacy, and leadership in the Global Commons. With that in mind,…