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An Interview with Frances Pinter of Bloomsbury Academic

Open Science post

Recently, we had a chance to speak with Frances Pinter, Publisher of Bloomsbury Academic, a new imprint launched by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc last month. Frances has been in the publishing industry since she was 23, when she started her own academic publishing house, Pinter Publishers. She comes to Bloomsbury Academic as the former Publishing Director…

Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1

Open Culture post

Netwaves Records, a netlabel that focuses on genre-oriented compilations, just released their first album, Electro 1. Focusing on music that ranges from “electro-pop” to “electro-clash”, Electro 1 has been released under a CC BY-NC-SA license. this means it can be freely shared and remixed as long as proper attribution is given, the resulting and original…

HOWTO Rock Flickr like a champ

Open Culture post

Marshall Kirkpatrick at ReadWriteWeb lays it out: Turn on Creative Commons Licensing It’s easy to turn the default setting for new photos uploaded to Creative Commons Attribution (our favorite) by visiting the Privacy & Permissions tab in your account. Unfortunately there’s not clear, working links from Flickr to an explanation of the different licenses. Here…

KQED's QUEST on OER and CC Licensing

Open Education, Open Science post

One morning in late June, I made the trek out to the outer mission area to interview two KQED QUEST producers: Sue Ellen McCann and Craig Rosa. I first met Sue Ellen and Craig a couple months prior, when we had an informal discussion about possibly CC licensing some of QUEST’s raw footage for a…

Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase

Uncategorized post

Coming to a Linux distribution near you: The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase. The Community Manager for Ubuntu, Jono Bacon, just announced a contest to have your song or video distributed with the next Ubuntu release in October! What this means is that Ubuntu is giving free culture musicians and movie creators the opportunity to get…

Jamison Young

Uncategorized post

Jamison Young is a musician who records endlessly and plays live as often as he can. Young releases all his music under a CC licence, some through ‘fairplay’ label (and former Featured Commoner) Beatpick, who helped get Young’s track “Memories Child” into the soundtrack for new feature film “The X-Files: I Want to Believe“. We…

Vital Signs on Moving Towards Openness

Open Science post

Photo by Petri Tuohimaa for GMRI, CC BY-NC-ND “Sarah on a beach near Portland, Maine looking for two species of invasive marine crabs – Carcinus maenas (European green crab) and Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian shore crabs).” In April, I had a chance to meet with Sarah Kirn, Program Manager of Vital Signs, a field and inquiry…

VIA Releases OpenBook, Opens CAD Designs under CC BY-SA 3.0

Uncategorized post

Today VIA launched their OpenBook, an innovative subnotebook platform. You can buy it now and also download the raw CAD files released under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareaAlike 3.0 license, meaning you can get the raw machine files to make whatever case or version you want, as long as you release your modifications under the…

Mayer and Bettle: the Animation Sequel about CC

Uncategorized post

From CC Australia: Following [Mayer and Bettle’s] fabulously successful cinematic debut, in which they introduced us all to Creative Commons, the new film provides a bit of an update as to what has been happening in Creative Commons over the last two years, and gives us a bit more information on using the Creative Commons…