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Registration for the Open Video Conference is Open!

Events post

The Open Video Conference is a two-day gathering of thought leaders in technology, business, public policy, art, and activism from around the world to explore the future of the moving image. The conference is happening at NYU Law School on June 19th and 20th and will feature keynotes from Clay Shirky, Yochai Benkler and Jon…

Kutiman Talks to CBC; Interview Audio on ccMixter

Open Culture post

If you’re interested in online culture, you’ve probably come across the amazing THRU YOU project from Israeli producer Kutiman (see this WIRED profile for some background). Kutiman mashed together various YouTube clips of people playing instruments (many of them instructional videos) to create something totally new and unique. The result was a collection of seven…

CC Case Studies: Share your Story

Uncategorized post

Creative Commons kicks off its global case studies effort. Share your story. Discover new works and new models. With upwards of 150 million CC-licensed works published from every corner of the world, no single use case can tell the whole story. Creators and users come to CC for different reasons, and for many, CC solves…

Rhizome Interviews Free Music Archive

Open Culture post

Rhizome, the digital art and media outlet of the New Museum in New York (and CC supporter), posted a fantastic interview today with Jason Sigal of the Free Music Archive. The whole interview is worth a read, but Sigal’s discussion of how CC licensed music can help U.S. radio stations is of particular note (Rhizome…

Noncommercial study interim report; "user" questionnaire closes May 5!

Uncategorized post

Recently we launched the second round of a questionnaire on noncommercial use, this one focusing on users. Read that post for details, or hop directly to the questionnaire, which takes 15-25 minutes to complete. The questionnaire will be open through May 5. We’ll be publishing preliminary data (note: free text answers will be removed for…

Harvard panel (12/12/08) video now online

Open Culture post

As many of you may remember, last December CC paired up with Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society to host a panel discussion entitled, “The Commons: Celebrating accomplishments, discerning futures.” Panelists included James Boyle, The Public Domain; Lawrence Lessig, Remix; Joi Ito, Free Souls; and Molly S. Van Houweling, Creative Commons’ first Executive Director.…

Davos World Economic Forum's Photos Under CC-BY-SA

Open Culture post

There’s great news over at the Davos World Economic Forum blog: We have just uploaded 300 of our best pictures from the Annual Meeting 2009 in Davos to the World Economic Forum’s Flickr account. Admittedly it took us some time to choose the best pictures from the thousands shot by our official photographers from Swiss-Image.…

Funding CC is hard work

Copyright post

Last week an article in the Washington Post casued quite a stir among nonprofits who raise funds online. To Nonprofits Seeking Cash, Facebook App Isn’t So Green says that the “Causes” social network application available on Facebook, MySpace and other social networks hasn’t met expectations. This has provoked a lot of discussion and some deserved…

Why Did the White House Choose Attribution and not Public Domain?

Open Culture post

The microblogs have been a-buzz this morning about news of the launch of the official White House Flickr stream featuring photos from Obama’s first 100 days in office. While the photos are licensed under our Attribution license, one could make the very strong argument that they’re actually in the public domain and can be used…