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In continuing our Featured Commoner series, we caught up with Alessandro Simonetto, founder of OnClassical, an audio label for classical music that uses CC licensing integrally in its business plan. What’s OnClassical all about? OnClassical is an online label for refined music. The name means both ON(line)CLASSICAL(music) and ON[about]CLASSICAL[music]. I define “classical” in the same…

IHEARTCOMIX adds CC Licenses to Remix Contests

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IHEARTCOMIX, a record label and events promotion group based out of LA, have recently added CC BY-NC licenses to their remix contests for both HEARTSREVOLUTION’s “C.Y.O.A” and Ocelot’s “Lo Sforzo”. Both songs are seriously cool and the winning remixes will land up sharing respective vinyl space with their source tracks. It is great to see…

Roo'd on the iPhone

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Roo’d, a CC BY-NC-SA licensed novel about “the future that’s closer than we think” recently got added to the iPhone eBook reader repository, iphoneebooks, making it the first modern novel therein. By using a CC license, Joshua Klein, the author of Roo’d, opened the door for the free digital re-distribution of his novel, making it…

Heaps of Positive Coverage for CC Licenses on German TV

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We just ran a post about the German public broadcaster NDR, who recently announced it will release segments from some of its programs under a CC license. But the flood of positive feedback and media coverage has prompted us to write another article pointing to a few of the gems (mostly in German): The TV…

Newsweek suggests "Open Access for Dummies"

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Credit Where Credit is Due, an article in Newsweek, about use of text from Wikipedia by major publishers without compliance with Wikipedia’s license, includes quotes from CC CEO Lawrence Lessig on license interoperability: The Free Software Foundation, which maintains Wikipedia’s GNU license, is teaming up with a popular rival licensing movement called Creative Commons to…

UK: Open Rights Group @ 2

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Open Rights Group is two years old, and they’ve published a great report on their activities, which includes promoting and educating the public about CC licensing and researching free culture business models. And everything they publish is licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike. Congratulations to ORG and best wishes for 2008!

The 50,000 friends challenge

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Looking for another way to support CC? Be our friend! By connecting with Creative Commons on sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Flickr, you can help us broaden our reach and educate the masses about the Creative Commons mission. So, starting today, we’re issuing a 50,000 friend challenge to our community. We’re asking you to help…

Anepsosis Uses CC for MMMORPG Character Art

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Anepsosis, an open-source 3D MMORPG, has recentlly decided to release all of their game art (which includes texts, pictures, sketches, drawings, 3D art, and sounds) under a CC BY-SA license. This allows all the content created by the Anepsosis community, not just the final game, to remain open and free, adding additional functionality to the…

Report on CC and UK cultural heritage institutions

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A report based on the survey we mentioned in August is now released: The cultural heritage community sits on a goldmine of images, texts, sounds, films, video, data and metadata of immense interest to wide variety of specific sectors and the general public. The resources that these organisations hold increasingly come as digital files and…

Lawrence Lessig in xcd and on Boing Boing TV

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In case you hadn’t heard, Lawrence Lessig is officially the most popular guy on the internet (for now)! Check out webcomic xkcd for a great strip featuring Elaine, the “greatest hacker of our era”, learning copyright from CC’s CEO. For added enjoyment, check out a wonderfully lo-fi tribute by SweedishViennese “art-pranksters” Monochrom on BoingBoingTV. That…