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About CC post

Creative Commons and the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) introduce innovative copyright licenses to Australia San Francisco, USA and Brisbane, AUSTRALIA  Jan. 19, 2005  Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that offers a flexible copyright for creative work, today unveiled a localized version of its innovative licensing system in Australia. The Creative Commons licenses…

Yahoo! Search for CC forum

Uncategorized post

Yahoo! has added a forum to support Yahoo! Search for Creative Commons. If you have questions or feedback for Yahoo! concerning this service, now you have a place to ask. See this post introducing Yahoo! Search for Creative Commons. Today Yahoo! also took their video search out of beta. You can’t (yet — hint, hint!)…

PROFIT, patents and progress

Press post

On Saturday, Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to offering flexible copyrights for creative works, launched Science Commons, designed to easefrom Stanford Daily – USA

Nice uses of CC

Uncategorized post

A couple quick things: I thought it was cool that blogging software company Six Apart republished an essay by Adaptive Path on the failings of Content Management Systems, all about software of the type Six Apart develops. It’s all in accordance with Adaptive Path‘s license, which allows commercial redistribution. Another cool thing was seeing…

5 cent download store comes to life!

Uncategorized post

A week ago, I blogged about the 5 cent download. Soon after, I heard from Tryad, a virtual band that spans the ocean from Japan to Ohio. They decided to open their own 5 cent download store, and also offer the service to other artists for free (as long as the bandwidth costs remain manageable).…

Code v.2: Participation Requested

Uncategorized post

A new web-based experiment is being undertaken by Creative Commons’ Chairman, Lawrence Lessig. In 1999, Professor Lessig wrote Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace. After five years in print and five years of changes in law, technology, and the context in which they reside, he realized that Code needed an update, so he opened it…

American Bar Association Licenses Essays

Uncategorized post

It recently has come to our attention and that the American Bar Association has Creative Commons licensed essays on the USA PATRIOT provisions. What better a compliment than to have this prestigious association of lawyers use Creative Commons licenses for their content. We’re truly honored.

CC search index breakdown

Uncategorized post

Folks love a license distribution breakdown, so here’s another, this from the current index of 1.2 million pages (larger crawls forthcoming) used by the Creative Commons search engine: Allows commercial use Allows derivative works Allows both Audio 32 78 32 Image 19 48 16 Interactive 31 65 27 Text 28 69 23 Video 13 65…


Uncategorized post

The developers of the amaroK media player for KDE have used the tracks from the WIRED CD as content for their demo Live CD. Boot the CD in a PC and you can try out armaroK with zero installation. Great idea. USB memory and hardware media player vendors take note — you can ship your…