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Interview with Wikipedia founder

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Slashdot is carrying a great interview with the founder of Wikipedia. Wikipedia is only about three and a half years old, but in that time it has already grown well beyond the size of most standard printed encyclopedias. In the interview, Jim Wales talks about how they manage all that content, how they collect and…

Lessig's free book still racking up the sales

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Stanford Magazine carries a story this month about our chairman and co-founder Lawrence Lessig‘s book which has just entered its third printing. This is interesting because the book is freely available online for download (under a Creative Commons license), and has been downloaded about 180,000 times. On the one hand an author can give away…

Flickr Featured Commoner

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This month’s featured commoner interview is up, which covers our interview with Flickr founder Stewart Butterfield. In it, he talks about Flickr’s unique features, their history, and why they’re using Creative Commons licenses.

Lou Reed loves remixes

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Lou Reed is another artist that should check out the Recombo license. Here’s a great quote from him about his most recent recordings being remixed in this story: “I’ve been getting all these great mixes sent to me out of the U.K. for years and years,” he told Attitude magazine, “and I just started saying…

Share Your Politics, Whatever Their Color

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ActBlue is a web site that bills itself as an “online clearinghouse for grassroots action.” As the name suggests, it’s a site designed to help Democratic partisans find candidates to support, both with money and with time. But it also supplies tools to help users band together with like-minded souls — creating customized lists of…

A Wikipedia of Free Culture?

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Q: How to plan a wiki? A: Hash out ideas on a wiki. So we set up a wiki and we’re holding a barn raising there. You’re invited. Our objective is to plan a “Get Content” wiki, a scalable catalog of “some rights reserved” and “no rights reserved” works. A truly international catalog of CC…


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Check out mobloguk, a great moblogging application that supports Creative Commons licenses. The system is very easy to use — you simply email images, audio, or text from your cell phone, or other device, to your own mobloguk email address, and it automatically gets posted on the site. You can even restrict your searches to…

Fix Web Multimedia

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Lucas Gonze: What I am thinking is that we need a tech social movement to fix web multimedia by insisting that web standards be followed. REST was such a movement in the protocol space. The Zeldman-inspired movement to use structural HTML and CSS only did the same thing with design. This would be a direct…

FAIRCOPY lets your fans make you money

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FAIRCOPY has developed an innovative way for musicians to distribute their content over P2P networks and get paid. They’ve also built in a way for fans to leverage the power of P2P to resdistribute their favorite FAIRCOPY artists, and make a commission. Musicians can also offer free samples of their work under Creative Commons licenses.

Choose License Web Integration Updates

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If you have a website or web-aware application where users create or contribute content, Creative Commons has a service that allows users to choose a license for their works from your site via a popup, redirect, iframe, or web control. One may now specify or allow users to choose an iCommons jurisdiction-specific legal port via…