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Tag: CC10 day

CC10: Day 10


CC10 – dublab’s Creative Commons 10th Birthday Video Mix from dublab / CC BY-NC Ten years ago today, the first Creative Commons licenses were released. Over the past ten days, the CC community has celebrated around the world with concerts, discussions, hackathons, and parties. People in the community have put together mixtapes, created iPhone apps,…

CC10: Day 9


Creative Commons Korea It’s getting hard to keep up with all of the CC10 commotion. Today, the CC community is celebrating in Muscat, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, and Seoul. Not to be outdone by the #cc10 Europe mixtape, Creative Commons Korea has created a #cc10 iPhone app featuring ten musicians who license their work under…

CC10: Day 8


@ivanlanin Wow. There are not one, but four five CC10 mixes of Creative Commons–licensed music! Dublab #cc10 mix (for the San Francisco party) pEtEr Withoutfield – Creative Commons Mixtape (for the Berlin party) #cc10 Europe mixtape #cc10 mix by Jamendo staff #cc10 mix by Bad Panda Records That’s enough CC music to get you well…

CC10: Day 7


CC Happy Birthday CC10 / @saidRmdhani On day 7 of our CC10 celebrations we have an exciting announcement: the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) has announced a 3.5 million dollar grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for a new program to help adult English language learners improve their language…

CC10: Day 6


CC hearts cake / David Kindler / CC BY Today, an exciting announcement. In honor of CC’s tenth birthday, our friends at Free Music Archive are launching a competition to find a new birthday song – one that can be shared and sung without paying a cent. Read about the contest and start working on…

CC10: Day 5


Festajamos los 10 Años de Creative Commons / CC Paragray Community / CC BY Welcome to day 5 of CC10! Today, CC communities are celebrating in Stockholm and Haifa. And here on the Creative Commons blog, we’re discussing governmental and institutional adoption of CC licenses and public domain tools. CC’s Timothy Vollmer acknowledges several achievements…

CC10: Day 4


CC 10th Anniversary / Creative Commons Philippines / CC BY On day 3 of our CC10 celebrations we focus on film. David Evan Harris tells us about Global Lives, a collective of filmmakers worldwide building an open source video library of human experience. We talk to Blake Whitman, VP of Creative Development at one of…

CC10: Day 3


cc10 / Webbstjärnan.SE / CC BY Welcome to Day 3 of #cc10. Today, Commoners are celebrating in Mexico City and Jakarta, and here on the Creative Commons blog, we’re celebrating Creative Commons in science. In his guest blog post, John Wilbanks applauds sharing where you might not expect it, explaining how the world’s largest pharmaceutical…

CC10: Day 2


On day 2 of CC10 we focus on what makes CC more than just a bunch of licenses – our community. We give a long over-due introduction to Creative Commons for those who haven’t met us yet, with a favorite resource from one of our global volunteer affiliates: CC Qatar presents Meet Creative Commons. At…

CC10: Day 1


Welcome to the very first day of Creative Commons’ 10th birthday celebrations! Over the next 10 days we will be celebrating CC’s first decade with activities, events, tweets and competitions. As well as dozens of real world parties, we’ve set up a dedicated CC10 website as a hub for all things birthday. Each day on…