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Tag: data analysis

Surveying the Open Climate Data Landscape

Open Climate, Open Data
A satellite image of the Volga River delta at the Caspian Sea, showing scattered white ice floating in greenish water around patches of brownish land.
Volga River. Caspian Sea (7-03-2023)” by Miguel Masegosa is licensed via CC BY 2.0 and contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2023 processed by Sentinel Hub.

At CC we believe that to solve big problems, the knowledge and culture about those problems needs to be open and freely accessible. In line with our Open Climate Campaign, which focuses on opening up climate research, we recently launched the Open Climate Data project, to facilitate better sharing of climate data on a global…

Analysis of 100M CC-Licensed Images on Flickr

Open Culture

Since last weekend we’ve been celebrating the number of CC-licensed photos on Flickr, which now has reached over 100 million — the largest pool of CC images to date. We’ve received some great feedback from the community, including the following analysis from Christian (metawelle): On July 29, 2004 Flickr announced that anyone who wanted to…