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Tag: Neeru Khosla

ccNewsletter: Campaign Launches! Become a CC Superhero!

About CC

Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. Our annual fundraising campaign has launched! Help us reach our $550,000 goal! Creative Commons is recruiting a legion of superheroes to help us raise money for our fall fundraising campaign. We already have an all-star team of leaders…



You’ve all heard of the TED Conference (Technology, Entertainment, Design), the annual meeting of great minds with amazing 20 minute speeches that share what they’ve been doing with their lives. But not all of you may have heard of TEDx—spinoffs off TED that are independently organized around a central theme or idea. TEDxNYED is one…

CK-12 Foundation's Neeru Khosla on Open Textbooks

Open Education

Back in March, we were so excited about the new Physics Flexbook aligned to Virginia’s state standards that we had to catch up with the foundation that helped to make it possible. The obvious choice was Neeru Khosla, co-founder of the CK-12 Foundation, “a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook…