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LibriVox Releases 1,000th Public Domain Audio Book



Illustration by Aubrey Beardsley of “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” 1895.Congratulations to LibriVox, who’ve just released their 1,000th public domain audio book! Previously featured on this site, LibriVox has been a consistent supporter of access to open content by building a digital library of free public domain audio books.

From their release:

LibriVox, the free audio book project has just cataloged its 1,000th book: Murders in the Rue Morgue, by Edgar Allan Poe (read by Reynard T. Fox). started in August 2005 with a simple objective: “to make all public domain books available as free audio books.” Thirteen people collaborated to make the first recording, Joseph Conrad’s Secret Agent.

Two years later, LibriVox has become the most prolific audiobook publisher in the world – we are now putting out 60-70 books a month, we have a catalog of 1,000 works, which represents a little over 6 months of *continuous* audio; we have some 1,500 volunteers who have contributed audio to the project; and a catalog that includes Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Moby Dick, Darwin’s Origin of the Species, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Einstein’s Relativity: The Special and General Theory, Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, and other less well-known gems such as Romance of Rubber edited by John Martin. We have recordings in 21 languages, and about half of our recordings are solo efforts by one reader, while the other half are collaborations among many readers.

Full announcement here.


Posted 03 November 2007