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2000 Jamendo albums and almost as many features
UncategorizedJamendo recently surpassed 2,000 albums released on the site. Look on the Jamendo stats page for a tale of growth and bandwidth, about half served by P2P. You can search every album, including filtering by license.
They’ve also been quietly rolling out feature after feature. Most recent and exciting is the ability to find Jamendo music similar to that of any artist you choose. While based on different concepts, this is now the second service that allows you to find CC licensed music similar to music you’re already familiar with (see OWL multimedia’s CC audio similarity search for the first). It is hard to overestimate the importance of such features for bridging the nostalgia and marketing advantages held by incumbents. The other important “feature” in this respect is tastemaking (see below).
Another recent feature added is a new and transparent artist donation system.
If you want to help build features like these, Jamendo is hiring a new developer.
See Jamendo CTO Sylvain Zimmer’s presentation at CC Salon Amsterdam for more about Jamendo.
Following my own exhortations to be a CC tastemaker, here are a few albums on Jamendo I’ve enjoyed recently:
Superjump: electropunk licensed under BY-SA.