This year the Content in Context conference (organized by the Association of Education Publishers and the Association of American Publishers School Division) will host a free Metadata Lab centered around educational metadata adoption.
The main highlights of the lab:
- Education data standards overview with Jack Buckley (NCES/CEDS), Ross Santy (US DOE), and Michael Jay (Educational Systemics)
- LRMI info session
- Group discussions
- One-on-one meetings
Of particular interest is the LRMI session, which will include
- A project update by Greg Grossmeier (Creative Commons)
- A discussion led by Brandt Redd (Gates Foundation) about LRMI in relation to other initiatives like the Shared Learning Collaborative and Learning Registry
- A demo of LRMI proof of concept by Mark Luetzelschwab (Agilix Labs)
Again, attendance is free but please register by contacting Dave Gladney (
Posted 04 May 2012