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Thank You for Translating “Made with Creative Commons”

About CC

In 2017, CC published Made with Creative Commons, a book examining 24 different business models built around CC licenses and CC-licensed content. Financially supported by more than 1600 backers on Kickstarter, the project itself is an example of how openly licensed work can be funded and how CC-licensed content can evolve over time. 

Made with Creative Commons

After publishing the book and distributing copies around the world, we have proudly watched as the Made with Creative Commons project continued to germinate thanks to the energy and resourcefulness of the CC community.

Just recently, members of our community across Latin America—including Gunnar Wolf, Luis Enrique Amaya González, Leo “elopio” Arias, Andrés Delgado, and Evelin “scann” Heidelcollaborated to produce a Spanish translation of the book. Marisol Simón from the Economics Research Institute in Mexico edited the translation.

Earlier this year, Hilman Fathoni, Fitri Ayu, and the rest of the CC Indonesia team translated the book into Indonesian. They were also able to hold a public event and print copies of the translated book thanks to funding from the Indonesian Creative Economy Agency.

Finally, Soohyun Pae is currently leading a translation into Korean, and Petter Reinholdtsen is undertaking a translation into Norwegian.

These efforts by you, the CC community, are a testament to the vibrancy, resourcefulness, and ingenuity of the open movement—and your commitment to growing the global commons.

We would like to say thank you to each and every person who has had a hand in carrying this work forward over the last two years, and we look forward to receiving more translations in the future!

If you’re working on a new translation of Made with Creative Commons, let us know by emailing us at or tagging us @creativecommons on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn!


Posted 18 December 2019
