In honor of Open Education Week (March 7-11, 2022), the Creative Commons Open Education Platform community offered Lightning Talks, or seven-minute presentations on specific updates or stories in open education. Moderated by Stephen Downes, the lighting talks covered everything from leveraging tax legislation for open education funding, to theories and practices around OER, fireside stories of open sharing, and even a Texas Sing-a-long!
We hope you’ll enjoy the replay and presentations below. Stay tuned for the CC Open Education Platform’s next round of Lightning Talks, or join our next meeting on 5 April. Access meeting details via the Open Education Platform calendar, and learn more on the CC Open Education Platform website.

“Kathryn Kure” by Val Adamson source Data Myna Blog License CC-BY-SA 4.0
Kathryn Kure presented: “Enabling OERs at no additional cost.”
- Kure explores how we could leverage tax legislation to ensure public funds are used for public good in our local contexts.
- Presentation
- Recording

Carolyn Stevenson (permission granted for use)
Carolyn Stevenson presented: “Promoting Educational Equity through OERs and Open Degree Plans.”
- Stevenson discusses the role of OER for creating educational equity and building a community of learners.
- Presentation
- Recording

Sybil Priebe, CC-BY-NC
Sybil Priebe presented: “The Venn Diagram of OEP and Ungrading is a Circle.”
- Priebe’s “tiny chat” explains how Open Educational Practices/Pedagogy intersect or overlap with the theory of Ungrading.
- Presentation
- Recording

Photo of Alan Levine by Cori Saas, CC BY.
Alan Levine presented: “Still Amazing: True Stories of Openness.”
- Levine questions: Open often centers on the “stuff” (resources, content, practices), but what about the unexpected positive experiences of serendipity people gain from sharing openly? First presented at OpenEd 2009, the collection of True Stories of Open Sharing remains open to contribute yours in any media form.
- Presentation website (contribute your stories directly)
- Recording

Liza Long, CC BY 4.0
Liza Long presented: “Student Scholars: Publishing Student OER Work.”
- Long showcases a Pressbooks publication written, edited, and published by community college student teams: “Beginnings and Endings: A Critical Edition,” an ongoing project for English 211 Literary Analysis students.
- Recording

Suzanne Wakim, CC BY
Suzanne Wakim presented: “Evolution of a state-wide OER Initiative”
- Wakim discusses strategies used to develop a collaborative OER Initiative: Connect, Co-create, Cultivate.
- Presentation
- Recording

“Judith Sebesta” by Stephen Sebesta is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Judith Sebesta presented a sing-a-long and presentation: “Deep in the Open Heart of Texas.”
- Sebesta shares a quick tour through a variety of statewide resources and initiatives that are helping to advance an Open Education Ecosystem in Texas. Sebesta invites the audience to sing-a-long and clap to “Deep in the Heart of Texas.”
- Presentation
- Recording
Posted 11 March 2022