Switzerland Team @ Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta / kevinpoch / CC BY
We are proud to announce the launch of the Creative Commons 3.0 Switzerland ported license suite. Huge thanks to Mélanie Bosshart, Phillip Perreaux, Simon Schlauri, Hartwig Thomas and the rest of the CC Switzerland team for their hard work and dedication in perfecting the Swiss ported licenses.
You can access the new licenses through our license chooser and learn more about the CC Switzerland team at their website.
As mentioned in our announcements of the Ireland 3.0 licenses and the Uganda 3.0 public discussion, CC is working to finish a small number of ongoing 3.0 ports while pushing ahead with the public discussion on the 4.0 licenses. These involve six long-running porting projects that CC committed to completing in 2011.
We encourage all teams and community members to participate in the 4.0 drafting process. You can view the first draft of the 4.0 CC BY-NC-SA license at http://wiki.creativecommons.org/4.0_Drafts.
Posted 16 April 2012