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Back to School: Open Courseware as a transition to college
by Jane Park Open EducationAs students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. One aspect of open courseware* is its draw for potential students who are deciding where…
Back to School: Legal Challenges for Teachers (Understanding Copyright Exceptions)
by lila Open EducationAs students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. As part of our ongoing blogging for “Back to School” week here in the United…
Back to School: Open Educational Resources in Africa
by aurelia Open EducationAs students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. In the United States, the turn from August into September means new pencils, books and…
OneWebDay 2009 is September 22nd
by fbenenson EventsIt is September again, and that means OneWebDay is just around the corner on September 22nd. One Web Day is a once-a-year celebration of all that is good about the Web, and was launched in 2006 by Susan Crawford. You might recognize Susan’s name as President Obama’s Special Assistant for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy.…
Back to School: Peer 2 Peer University and the Future of Education (an interview)
by Jane Park Open EducationAs students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. A recent emigrant to New York, I experienced the first turn in weather on the…
Coca-Cola Using CC on Facebook
by fbenenson UncategorizedIt recently came to our attention that Coca-Cola relaunched their Facebook Page (apparently one of the largest pages on the social network, with over 3.6 million fans), and included a policy that content shared by fans be available under our Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. The specific CC license badge appears in the sidebar on the Coke wall,…
Slovak Republic
by michelle UncategorizedMartin Mojzis and Zuzana Adamova; Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava
OER Copyright Survey now closed
by Jane Park Open EducationThanks to all of you who filled out the OER Copyright Survey! The survey is now closed, with many thoughtful responses. Again, we appreciate your responses, among which was an overarching request to have the survey translated. We definitely hope and intend to broaden the survey to more countries and in more languages in the…
Back to School: Student Journalism 2.0
by akozak Open EducationAs students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. In the minds of many students, back to school means back to the same old…
Frances Pinter from GOOD's "We Like to Share" Series
by Jane Park Open EducationWe’d like to point out GOOD’s latest interview from its “We Like to Share” series by Eric Steuer—“Frances Pinter on the (Academic) Value of Sharing.” Frances elaborates on Bloomsbury Academic‘s decision to license their academic publications via CC BY-NC, academics’ need for exposure, and the changing landscape in publishing, “So much of academic output is…