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Open Audiobooks Project


We’ve seen a couple audiobook projects popup around Creative Commons licensed books recently (Lessig’s audiobook and Doctorow’s audiobook), but this new Open Audiobooks Project aims to collect recordings of public domain books. They’re kicking off the project by recording Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. If you’re a fan of the book, have a good voice,…

30,000 songs licensed on Soundclick in one month


Soundclick, one of the Internet’s biggest music community sites, prominently integrated our license engine just one month ago. In that time, over 30,000 tracks have been licensed under Creative Commons licenses. Genres vary, and many of the tracks allow derivatives, so break out your music editing software and mix away. More details from the press…

Free Online Music Booms as SoundClick Offers Creative Commons Licenses

About CC

Online music community sees over 30,000 songs licensed under “some rights reserved” copyright in just one month. San Francisco, CA and New York, NY, USA – Soundclick (, one of the Internet’s largest music community sites, now offers Creative Commons licenses as an option for all songs uploaded to its website. Soundclick, which sees about…

Collage Mania


While it doesn’t carry a Creative Commons license or promote licensed work exclusively, the new website Collage Mania is worthy of mention here because it’s the first time I’ve seen a blog focused solely on great collage work found online. Most Creative Commons licensed photographs (the ones that don’t carry the No Derivatives clause) are…

Creative Commons and The Plains


There’s a been good discussion about music and Creative Commons licenses happening on the pho list the last day or so. The most novel post comes from Jim Griffin: Here’s an example from my new reality: In our neighborhood (The Plains, VA, population 266) and in our region there are many people who adopt for…

Musicians on the INDUCE act


There’s a bill currently being debated in the US Senate, called the INDUCE act (here’s a good background on it), that aims to criminalize P2P networks, programmers, software compnaies, and anyone else that can be shown to help “induce copyright infringement.” Many law observers have criticized the act’s broad language, but the Future of Music…

Interview with Wikipedia founder


Slashdot is carrying a great interview with the founder of Wikipedia. Wikipedia is only about three and a half years old, but in that time it has already grown well beyond the size of most standard printed encyclopedias. In the interview, Jim Wales talks about how they manage all that content, how they collect and…

Copyright suffers in trade agreement


A recent trade agreement between Australia and the US included a provision that extended Australia’s copyright from 50 years after author death to 70 years, to match US Law. There was speculation that Project Gutenberg Australia would suffer, and it looks like it officially has. Take a look at this list of authors that were…

The File Sharing Experiment


The File Sharing Experiment is a project with the goal of demonstrating how file sharing actually helps the music, movie, and software industry. Folks are encouraged to post purchases they’ve made and a short explanation of how they learned about the band/movie/game and why they ended up buying something for it. All the evidence is…

We the Media released


Dan Gillmor’s book, We the Media, is now available for download as a PDF, under a Creative Commons license. We recently threw a book launch party for it and the audio versions of the book are already starting to be recorded by fans and readers.